Fare Share

On October 3rd Year 11 Personal Development students attended Fare Share Alphington, to support their ‘Kids in the Kitchen,’ program.
During this term, students learnt about Food Insecurity and how at various stages in people’s lives, they can have inadequate access to food.
These stages are often triggered by unemployment, a decrease in working hours, illness, or an unfortunate event.
Fare Share is an organisation that supports individuals and families who experience food insecurity by giving them the opportunity to access hearty and nutritious home cooked foods for free.
On October 3rd, our students spent three hours in the Fare Share Kitchen helping to prepare and package meals for distribution to those in need.
Together our students prepared 2 tubs of kale, prepped 20 kilograms of broccoli, 30 kg of leeks, 20 kgs of apples for cooking and assembled and packed 173 Satay with rice meals and 145 pasta meals.
Students learnt about the power of working together to achieve a common goal and how many hands make light work.
They worked hard and made themselves and their teachers proud.