Positive Climate for Learning



Epping Secondary College supports student health and safety as a priority, and continues to explore and support a variety of avenues in offering students opportunities to make positive choices, live our school values, and establish life-long habits that optimise healthy minds and bodies.


Vaping and smoking at school is not permitted, is unhealthy for any person and detrimental to developing teenagers, and can and has caused significant, time-consuming and costly damage to school property.


As of Monday October 30, smoke/vape detector alarms will sound aloud in the school’s student toilets, located in the school’s courtyard on the outside of the library building.


Following alarm activation camera footage of students entering and exiting these toilets will be followed up by Year Level Teams and communication made with parents/carers of students in these buildings at the time of alarm activation.


In the event that a student is positively identified as being in the school’s toilets at the time of alarm activation the following process will occur:


First identification:

  • Conversation with student.
  • Parent phone call home.
  • Warning.


Second identification – as per Epping Secondary College’s Smoking/Vaping Policy:

  • If a student is caught smoking or vaping on the school grounds or after school when travelling to and from school in school uniform, they will receive a one-day suspension. All incidents related to smoking or vaping will involve education about the dangers of these for students involved.
  • A second breach will incur a two-day suspension.
  • A third breach will incur a three-day suspension.
  • If a student breaches the smoking and vaping policy for a fourth time, a meeting will be held with parents and further suspensions may be incurred or enrolment at the school will be reviewed.

Epping Secondary College strongly encourages all parents/carers to pro-actively discuss with students:

  • The health risks associated with smoking and vaping.
  • The need to use student toilets at recess and lunchtime only.
  • The need to avoid requesting or needing to use student toilets during class time, unless absolutely necessary. In supporting this, any student needing to use student toilets during class time may request to use the student toilet located in the school’s administration building.



Next Tuesday, October 31 from 1pm to 3pm Victoria Police will be visiting Epping Secondary College as part of the Force’s proactive community school unit.


Officers will be participating with students in sporting activities over lunchtime, and visiting year levels, student groups and classrooms during Period Five.


This will provide an excellent opportunity to connect with students and staff, provide valuable information and ask questions on a variety of topics.


We look forward to this visit, in supporting all students and staff.



Epping Secondary College’s student recognition (merit) system is now in full swing, with merits being awarded to students across year levels, subjects, and a range of school settings.

If you receive a notification that your student has received a merit acknowledgment, please take the time to discuss and celebrate their achievement.



As per Department policy, Epping Secondary College is a no-phone zone for all students during school hours – 8.50am to 3.00pm daily. During these times students are not permitted to use their mobile phones, and it is recommended that students keep their phones in their lockers during this time.



Thank you for your continued support of our school Code of Behaviour, and supporting your child and our staff if your child is exited from the classroom, resulting in the issue of an after-school detention. Students are given three clear opportunities to amend disruptive behaviour prior to a classroom exit, if this is the cause of an exit. Please continue positive conversations at home in supporting teaching and learning as we all work towards the best futures for our students.



In all classrooms across the school are our support posters, designed to assist students to live our school values. We thank all parents and carers in their support of encouraging students to live and uphold our values every day, across the school, community and in everyday life.










Annette Spence

Assistant Principal 

Positive Climate for Learning