A message from David 

Principal's Report

Extending the Mind

I am thrilled to announce that our talented students will be participating in the highly anticipated GATEWays Challenge today and tomorrow and would like to extend my best wishes to all participants.  The hard work and dedication demonstrated by our students throughout their preparation have been truly commendable.  I would also like to acknowledge the invaluable support provided by the parents, who have played an crucial role in coaching and guiding our students.  GATEWays is an extraordinary program that aims to challenge young minds and foster collaborative thinking skills.  Through this exciting initiative, our students are given the opportunity to showcase their abilities and expand their intellectual horizons.  I have every confidence that our students will excel in this challenge, knowing that they will proudly represent Box Hill North.


2024 Preparations

As we approach the end of another wonderful year of learning, I would like to bring an important matter to your attention.  If you family is considering a change of schools for the year 2024, I kindly request that you inform the school administration at your earliest convenience.  We value open communication and want to ensure a smoot transition for all of our students.  Your timely notification will allow us to make necessary arrangements, assist you with any required paperwork, and ensure that your child’s educational journey continues seamlessly.  


Japan Trip

Sensei is most excited to have received many expressions of interest for next year’s Japan trip.  It’s not too late to register your child’s interest for this experience, with forms due back next Thursday 9th November.  

