"Wild at Art"

Prep Art Competition & Exhibition

Wild At Art Competition Update 


In our writing unit this term, our Prep students focused on non-fiction text. It has been timely that Melbourne Zoo hosted a ‘Wild at Art’ competition. Wild At Art is Australia’s biggest wildlife art competition for children aged 5-12. Right up until Threatened Species Day on Thursday 7 September, children from across the country were invited to create an original artwork of one of Australia's many threatened native animals or plants, along with a short-written component on their chosen threatened species.


Our Preps took onboard the fantastic opportunity to unleash their artistic creativity while learning about Australia's threatened animals and plants – and the threats facing them. Their artworks were accompanied by their own writing piece and were submitted with consent. 


All the students did an astonishing job. We are thrilled to announce that Wild At Art have announced 4 of our Prep 2023 students pieces have been selected for the exhibition: Wyatt Chong, Nora Ophel-Sword, Madeleine Lasken and Kai Khoo. 


Kai Khoo’s Caption: 


Gouldian Finches

Gouldian Finches live in the pacific warmth, and they eat seeds. They have beautiful colours in their feathers that look like the rainbow. Gouldian Finches live up to 5 years. We can help save them from being endangered by reducing, recycling, and reusing. 


Wyatt Chong’s Caption: 



Numbats live in Australia inside logs. They like to hunt for food in the day and eat termites. Numbats have bushy tails and a long flat red sticky tongue. They are endangered and we need to help them by driving less and reusing things to recycle. 


Madeleine Lasken: 


Gouldian Finch

Gouldian Finch like to eat seeds and they need to live in warm weather. They can live for 5 years and are beautiful, colourful like the rainbow. It is sad that they are endangered, so we need to help protect them by turning the lights off when not being used and playing less games on our phone. We can also recycle to help save the Gouldian Finch. 


Nora Ophel- Sword: 



Numbats live in logs, we can find them in Australia. They have long red sticky tongues to hunt for termites. We need help look after them by recycling and reusing things we can.  







The exhibition is open to the public if  you would like to support our students and come to the exhibition. 


The exhibition details are as follows: 

What: ACF Community Chisholm: Wild at Art Showcase 2023

Where: Box Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box Hill, VIC 3128

When: Saturday 4th November, 3-5pm AEDT

**We will open at 2.30pm for a special viewing for parents, teachers and artists who are displaying work in the showcase.


We can’t wait to welcome you to our showcase! Please RSVP for this joyous afternoon event