House in Focus: 


Angus H and Krishna P | Clancy House Captains

Hi all, 


We would like to introduce ourselves and the other Year 12 leaders for 2024.


My name is Angus H and alongside me throughout this journey of the next 12 months will be Krishna P.  We are extremely honoured to be named your 2024 Clancy House Captains and are looking forward to leading Clancy House with pride. 


We have both heard such amazing stories of Brother Ken Clancy and who he was, and we hope to lead the house with the same strength, spirit and values that he showed in his day-to-day life.


We would also like to introduce to you some of our Clancy portfolio captains of 2024.  These include George L (Sports Captain), Emily W (Hospitality Captain), Isabelle W (Content Creation Captain), Sheridan C (Social Justice Captain), Ashton S (Industry and Innovation Captain), Risha B (Academia Captain). 


On behalf of all the 2024 Clancy Leaders we would like to say a massive thank you to our past 2023 leaders and portfolio captains, especially Olivia and Noah, who have definitely set a great example for Krishna and myself to follow - we certainly have big shoes to fill after the incredible year these two have led Clancy through. We wish all our current Year 12s the best with their HSC and future plans after school.  


As most of you guys know, the mighty Clancy House finished the year on top, taking out the athletics carnival this year.  Krishna and I assure you all that Clancy House is intending to go for the back-to-back title.  


We would also like to extend our gratitude to the leadership team for providing us with such a great opportunity and in supporting us so far in our journey. A special thanks to Mr Higson and Ms Crowe who greatly encourage and motivate us by being such enthusiastic advisors, always willing to give us a helping hand and carrying the spontaneity of Clancy House. 


Angus and Krishna – Clancy House Captains 2024