
'G' Day - Celebrating the Great People in the lives of our Year 7 students

We were overwhelmed by the fantastic response to this year's 'G Day'.


It was a delight to have so many of the Great People in our Year 7 students' lives come together and engage in the Chevalier community.


We gave thanks for the Great People with a beautiful liturgy and then enjoyed the talents of our performing arts students. The event finished with a delicious afternoon tea. 



Year 7 2024 - the class of 2029 - came together for the first time on Friday for Orientation Day.


It was a jam-packed event full of action and fun.


A short liturgy was followed by a warm welcome to the Chevalier community from Principal Greg Miller.  The ever-popular House Sorting then took place, led by our Year 12 Leaders, complete with Harry Potter music and the giant sorting hat, much to everyone's delight and amusement.  Envelopes were opened on the count of 3 amid much excitement.


Duly sorted, students were then joined by our Buddy Leaders in their house groups, who ran games to help break the ice and get to know each other.  After a delicious sausage sizzle lunch, our dedicated teaching staff ran a classroom experience so the Year 6 students could start to envisage what learning at Chev will look like when they commence.


The day finished with College tours run by our House Captains. 


The sun shone, the energy was high and there was plenty of smiling and laughter among our new and older students, showing the wonderful care that our older students have for all students at Chev.


We can't wait for the Class of 2029 to join us next year, they are going to be a powerhouse year!