Key Learning Area in Focus - PDHPE

Mr Matthew Heard| Leader of Learning - PDHPE

PDHPE 7-10


Term 4 is always an enjoyable time of the year for those in PDHPE.  As the weather starts to warm, so does the breadth of opportunities to be outside enjoying our beautiful fields and outdoor spaces. Here is a short overview of our Stage 4 and 5 practical experiences in PDHPE this term. We also have some insightful summaries from students studying our Stage 5 elective courses Wilderness Studies and Physical Activity and Sport Studies (PASS).



Year 7’s Get Moving unit covers a range of topics such as a balanced lifestyle and the idea of lifelong activity, and how the activities encourage a healthy lifestyle later in life. Additionally, components of fitness are introduced, and with that comes fitness testing and the dreaded Beep Test!


Year 8 have been studying the aptly named unit Summer Games which takes classes on a rotation through our classic summer sports offered at Chev and in the community such as basketball, cricket, touch football, softball and even some ultimate frisbee. Participation is the focus, while developing skills and tactics at the same time.


Year 9 study an interesting unit called Cultural Games where students to get to participate in various games from different cultures around the world. This begins with looking at First Nations People’s traditional games such as Buroinjin. This is a ball game played by the Kabi Kabi people of south Queensland. The game was played with a ball made of kangaroo skin called a buroinjin. The ball, which was smaller than a soccer ball, was sewn with tendons and stuffed with grass. Teams from different groups played against each other, and the game was often played until sunset. Spectators used to mark their applause by calling out ‘Ei, ei!’ 


Year 10 this term have been studying a unit called Boost Your Performance that incorporates many Stage 6 concepts and ideas related to performance such as motivation, biomechanics and the principles of training. While these concepts are highly relevant to those with high performance aspirations, it is additionally useful to apply in an everyday physical setting as well. 

Solo Trip Term 3

YEAR 10 WILDERNESS// Early in Term 4, our Year 10 Wilderness Studies classes participated in their solo trip. This trip provides students with the opportunity to spend 24 hours by themselves.


They participate in activities such as building their own shelter for the night and cooking their own meals for the whole trip. Each student is able to have a moment of reflection without any distractions and embrace the outdoors.


"The Year 10 solo trip was a great experience and I was so glad to have the opportunity! At the start, a lot of people were quite nervous but coming out the other side everyone was glad that they persevered with the challenge and ended up having a great time. The trip started with hiking around 6km from Belanglo state forest through Biloela to get to our area in which we would start our solo. One by one we were dropped into our section where we would start our solo journey and begin building our own shelters where we would stay for the night. It was quite peaceful and was nice to have the quiet to sit and have your own time to just relax for a bit, also while journaling our experiences.  The trip was definitely worth it and was a great experience!" - Makenzie F, Year 10


It was a memorable and unique experience for the students and taught them some valuable life lessons!

Murramarang Expedition Term 3

YEAR 9 WILDO // In Term 3, our Year 9 Wildo class went on a 3 day coastal hike where they learnt a variety of different skills useful for the wilderness and grew special bonds with peers that otherwise may not have been formed.


It was a great experience for our students and one which they will remember for the rest of their schooling!


"The Year 9 Wilderness trip in Term 3 was an amazing experience we are all so grateful to have had this opportunity. We spent three days on a 42km coastal hike, from Maloney's Beach to Bawley Point, where we had the chance to put into action the orienteering and map reading skills we learnt in class across the year. The trip consisted of two overnight stays at caravan parks along the coastline, where we set up our own tents and cooked our own food on the trangia stoves we carried. We saw plenty of wildlife throughout the trip and learnt so much about the surrounding nature and the Aboriginal heritage sites we passed through. Overall the trip was a fantastic time for all the Wilderness students, and we are so happy to have the opportunity to engage in these trips.  Thanks to the two teachers and other guides we learnt so much from in our time spent on this hike." - Emily W, Year 9

Year 9 PASS

“Throughout the year in our Year 9 PASS class we have covered a wide range of topics that help us develop our skills and broaden our minds. In Term 4 we are studying how we can enhance our performance through strategies and techniques. So far, we have played a game called end ball in which we were required to produce strategies to enhance our performance with changing rules. The second game we played was flag football. We needed to change our technique and devise different plays to beat the opposition. The last game we played was 4-way soccer, so the teams needed to find a balance between defence and offence while considering everyone's abilities. In theory lessons, we evaluate personal and team movement, alongside discussing how we can enhance our performance in each game.” - Abbey L, Year 9