Teaching and Learning

Ms Jo Kirby | Assistant Principal - Innovation and New Ambitions

New Metrics - Visit to University of Melbourne


At our recent visit to the University of Melbourne as part of the New Metrics initiative, John Hargreaves and I networked with 40 other cross-sectoral schools from New Zealand and across Australia. Australia is one of only two countries in the world where students are 'ranked'.  With this in mind, all the attending schools collaboratively discussed the leadership capabilities that are required to lead the next generation of assessments, credentials, learning design and moderation that will recognise and capture what young people know and what they can do.


With contemporary work demanding more than ‘just a number’ from our school graduates, we planned for the conditions required to shift the old system of education to an ecosystem that supports students, their families and our communities.


With the promise of a revised Australian Qualification Framework by the end of 2023, we will see a shift in long-held traditional views that polarise skills and knowledge. It is a privilege for Chevalier to be working with first-mover schools who, whilst putting the learner at the centre of the purpose for education, will harness new, empirically verified metrics for success.  This work has already begun.


Pictured below: John Hargreaves (Chevalier Academic Development Coordinator), Enterprise Professor Sandra Milligan,  Executive Director of Melbourne Assessment at the Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne, Jo Kirby (Chevalier Assistant Principal - Innovations and New Ambition) and Anthony Mackay AM, Chief Executive Officer at National Centre on Education and the Economy, and Co-Chair of the National Project 'Learning Creates Australia', as well as Consultant Advisor to Centre of Strategic Education.