Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight

Junior Years

Mrs Caldow:

Daniella Lubadi for her wonderful dedication towards improving her reading and writing. Fantastic Daniella!

Aaden Agnal for asking more questions and joining in class discussions.

Miss Turk:

Sophie Durston for writing a very creative story in writing this week.

 I loved it Sophie, well done!

Posy Moodie for always trying her best and being a wonderful friend to all of her peers. Well done, Posy!

Mr Morrison:

Alex Tsirgianis for his fluent reading and input during Guided Reading sessions. Wonderful work Alex!

Surkhab Cheema for always including others and being a kind and considerate friend. Wonderful work Surkhab!

Mrs Weber:

Alessio Gibbs for his terrific work in Maths, comparing the weights of items in the classroom.  Well done Alessio!

Lizzie Cannon for always  offering wonderful insight during class discussions. 

Keep up the great work Lizzie!

Miss Finn:

Yurri Atkinson-Briggs for your determination to complete your Pig the Pug letter. 

Well done!

Ayen Padual for your improvement in reading and spelling. 

Excellent work!

Mr Maskell:

Deon Shiju for continuing to show excellent working skills and writing abilities. 

Maling Guljok for reading with fluency and expression during our class prayer assembly. 

Miss Sidebottom:

Ainsley Sargeant for her excellent work habits and leadership in the classroom.

Dion Nanayakkara for the determination he has on all set tasks.

Mr Andronaco:

Agnes Orr for always completing her work at a high standard. Great work!

Rudhvin Pratheep for always being a respectful student and always completing his work. Well done! 

Middle Years:

Mr O'Hara:

Mehakpreet Kaur for creating an amazing display for assembly prayer. 

Super stuff Mehakpreet!

Madison Spencer for improved confidence in public speaking during assembly prayer. Amazing effort Madison!

Mr Secchi:

Louie Caraffa for the amazing effort he has put into learning his multiplication tables - especially his 7s!  Keep up the great work, Louie!

Jaxon Bradshaw for the fantastic progress he has made in his reading this year! 

You have worked so hard and come so far!  Keep up the great work, Jaxon!

Mr Renato:

Jack Grimes for being able to construct a narrative writing piece and produce his best work, well done Jack.  

Rayan Vimal for always showing his best handwriting ensuring his learning tasks are always neat and tidy. Keep up the good work Rayan.  

Mrs Dainton:

Rylee Weston for his creative and consistent work in Reading and Writing.

Well Done Rylee!

Melissa for her Writing tasks and her creativity in her stories. 

Melissa is using Capital letters and Paragraphs as well.

Well Done Melissa!

Mr Howley:

Aaron Agnal for his excellent information and research into the Indian culture and his continued hard work.

Kueth for his creative cartoon story and his continued careful listening during novel time.

Senior Years

Mr Beks:

Deng Agog for outstanding behaviour on Grade 6 camp, facing his fears and providing everyone with a good laugh as always.

Maria Johnson for continually improving her confidence within herself and expressing herself more in classroom discussions and social settings.

Mr Lindon:

Jack Skipper for tremendous behaviour on school camp and 

being a leader amongst his peers - well done Jack!

Kobby Eshun for his high level of consistency, work ethic and kindness  in the Lindon/Beks classroom all year!  Well done Kobby! 

Mr Iorianni:

Eliza Wall for participating positively in all the Year 6 Camp experiences. 

You should be proud of yourself for giving all the activities a go. 

Well done Eliza!

Jeremiah Riak for showing some fantastic resilience during Sport. 

You were able to be positive and contribute to your team by 

being supportive and helpful. 

Well done, Jeremiah! 

Mrs Baldacchino/Miss Casey:

Angela Kitungano for her outstanding work ethic and her commitment to being a respectful and polite member of our class.  Keep up the great work Angela. 

Hunter Corbo for his exceptional enthusiasm towards his writing and his consistent contributions to class discussions. Well done Hunter!