The Arts

Instrumental Music End of Year Concert
Edgars Creek Secondary College is proud to be presenting our first ever end of year music concert on Wednesday the 29th of November from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Held in our wonderful PAC Theatre, the concert will feature students from the Music Department playing solo, group and special items they have been working hard on all year. There are also unconfirmed rumours of a staff band performance! There will be a sausage sizzle from 4:30pm for a gold coin donation. The event is free but bookings are required via the Trybooking link to secure your place. We look forward to seeing you there with lots of friends and family to support our wonderful music students!
Drama & Performing Arts
On Friday October 13th our keen Performing Arts students received an incursion from 2 Musical Theatre Industry Professionals. Clary Riven (Resident Director of "& Juliet") and Sophie Weiss (Elsa from the stage production of "Frozen") worked with our students on their dramatic skills, as well as introducing them to ensemble and musical theatre singing. It was fantastic to see the students have such a great time with Clary and Sophie, who were both incredibly impressed by the dedication and hard work of our students!
Instrumental Music Lessons in 2024
It has been fantastic to see our program continue to grow throughout 2023 and we now turn our attention to 2024. Please note the following conditions for lessons next year:
- EVERY student and family will need to complete a re enrolment form for 2024 and this includes those who have been learning this year. You can complete this form here to secure your place for 2024
- Fees will increase from $50 per semester to $60 per semester from the beginning of 2024. This is still excellent value and the College is committed to keeping lessons affordable for everyone.
- A reminder for all students to check the Instrumental Music Page on Google Classroom each day. There are important reminders, teacher notices, links to materials, practice requirements and ideas to get students inspired on their instruments.