Traditions are a fantastic way to build culture in a community, and this week we relived many of our end of year traditions for our Year 12 students. On Monday we had our final whole school assembly for our class of 2023 and heard from our out-going School Captains Amber, Rhys and Hal. Once again these three captivated the audience sharing their thoughts about their time at secondary schooling, thanked students, teachers and parents for their support, and shared words of wisdom to their fellow students.
As classes finished for the last time on Wednesday afternoon, the group formed a large circle in the pick-up loop to countdown the last ten seconds, then the car cavalcade left our school grounds with much celebration.
On Thursday morning the students returned in costume and put on a small group then collective performance for the rest of the school. Thank you to so many parents who were also able to join us in the Hislop Gym yesterday morning.
Our Year 12 VCE students’ attention will now turn to their exams which start with English next Tuesday and Wednesday. While this can be a stressful time for students, we have no doubt that the hard work that you have all put in all year will stand you in good stead for the next few weeks. Remember, your teachers are still here to support you through to the end, so make sure you reach out to them when needed.
At our whole school assembly last Monday we also announced our 2024 School Captains. Well done to School Captains April Reeves (returning after being Vice Captain in Year 11 in 2023) and Jake Churchill, with Vice Captains Abbey Nicholls and Lucy Thomas. I very much look forward to working with you in 2024.
As part of my role I am a member of the Korumburra Round Table. This is a group of local leaders that does fantastic work to advocate for Korumburra. At last night’s monthly meeting, KSC students April Reeves and Rhys Pether attended to present the work that they have been doing with the Diversity Group this year. They have designed and produced a sticker which will be available for all business owners in Korumburra to place on their front windows to actively promote inclusivity and diversity within their store. This idea was received very well by the Korumburra Round Table last night, so watch out for these around Korumburra shortly. Congratulations to April and Rhys, and well supported by our Senior School Co-ordinator Nicole Creaser, for once again finding ways to actively support and promote our community.