Leadership Report

Thursday 2nd November


Dear Parents, Students and Friends,


It was great to hear some wonderful stories coming out of our Year 3&4 and Year 5&6 camps last week. I was fortunate to be able to visit our Year 5&6 students in Mt. Evelyn and had a great time. Camps provide so many long lasting memories for students and staff.


An example of this is watching students overcome their fear on the Giant Swing. It can be quite a daunting prospect but builds confidence and resilience in many of the campers once they accomplish it. Seeing apprehension turn into excitement and pride is something special. Combine the wonderful activities with the other opportunities camps provide and I think it's safe to say it was a great learning experience for all!


The behaviour and attitude of our students was excellent and I congratulate all students for their efforts. Thanks to our staff and parent volunteers for making the camps such a great success! See below for more reports about the camp.

Monday 6th November - Student Free Day

Don't forget that Monday is a student free day and Tuesday 7th November is a public holiday.

Late to School

We are experiencing a rise in students who are coming late to school. It is crucial that students arrive before 9.00am so they hear the instructions for the day and are not missing out on learning opportunities. Students arriving late impact the learning of others as the teacher needs to then check in with them. 


Please ensure your child is at school before 9.00am, ready to learn.


If your family needs support, please contact me via email: joshua.crozier@education.vic.gov.au

Year 5/6 Camp: Mt. Evelyn - Report

The bus arrived at Mt Evelyn Discovery Camp and everyone was bursting with excitement! We hopped off the bus and explored the beautiful environment during the nature walk. Then we finally arrived at the accommodation building. This was where we would spend the next two and a half days. After getting settled in, we began our first activity. 


The activities were Initiatives (team problem solving), Archery, Bush Cooking, Giant Swing, High Ropes, Nature Craft, and Wild Animal Encounters. After the activity, we had a delicious afternoon tea prepared by the amazing chef, pasta bolognese! Then we went to shower, then dinner and we slept, preparing for the next few days. 


The next few days were some of the best experiences we have ever had! We made new friends and explored and learned about the amazing Mt Evelyn Discovery Camp.


By Ethan and Yao

Year 3/4 Camp: Phillip Island - Reports

Camp was incredibly exciting! The food was delicious and smelt yum! The Giant Swing was super fun, I also met some very nice camp guides. I was surprised that Amaze 'n' Things had so many fun activities. I loved my cabin and activity groups. I can't wait for next camp!

-Faith 3S


From the 25th of October to the 27th, the Year 3 and 4s had an incredible time at Phillip Island camp. We were split in our cabins and got ready for exciting activities. The Giant Swing dropped, the Flying Fox flew, an arrow shot the target and Amaze 'n' Things was amazing! On the last day of camp, we went to Smith's Beach for a walk. We stayed until lunch and were given mouth-watering sandwiches!

-Zarina 3S



Over the next week or so, you will receive further information about the upcoming swimming program. If you have not signed up but would like to, please contact the office as soon as possible to see if there is still a place in your child’s year level. 


Please note: students not participating in the school swimming program will complete Water Safety Booklets back at school.


For those students attending, we have created a social story that you may like to read with your child.


For junior students:



For senior students:



The dates for swimming are as follows. 


Juniors: Prep – Year 2 Swimming Days

Swim Session

Day and Date


Tuesday 28th November


Thursday 30th November - Please avoid ordering Subway Lunch


Tuesday 5th December


4 Thursday 7th December - Please avoid ordering Subway Lunch


5 Tuesday 12th December


6 Thursday 14th December - Please avoid ordering Subway Lunch


Seniors: Year 3 – Year 6 Swimming Days

Swim Session

Day and Date


Monday 27th November   


Wednesday 29th November - Please avoid ordering special lunches


Friday 1st December


Monday 4th December


Wednesday 6th December - Please avoid ordering special lunches


Friday 8th December 


Monday 11th December


Wednesday 13th December - Please avoid ordering special lunches


Friday 15th December


Take care,


Josh Crozier

Assistant Principal
