Around The School

STEAM Program

The Year 5 and 6 STEAM students have been designing, creating and trialling a chariot that is powered by a Dot and Dash.  We had a chariot race down the corridor once the chariots were finished.

Spring Soiree

This week we held our annual instrumental concert; the Spring Soiree.

Congratulations to all our amazing student performers, as well as Old Orchard graduate and guest performer, Ryan Kotsiakos as well as our Senior Choir.

Over the next 3 weeks, the Year 5s are rotating through 3 different engineering focused rotations.  This week, the students experienced ‘K-Nex’, ensuring they had enough supporting  mechanisms to create a functioning tool. The results were fantastic!

World Teachers' Day Awards

Over the past two weeks our teachers have been receiving much deserved awards at assembly in honour of World Teachers' Day.  

Congratulations to all our wonderful teachers!

OOPS Spring Racing Ladies Day

A wonderful day was had by everyone who attended last Friday's Spring Racing Ladies Day.  Thank you to the PFA for organising such a fantastic event and special mention to Nathan from Lil Ray's Cafe  for volunteering his time on the day.  


Don't forget to provide permission through the Sentral portal 

for your child to participate in the Colour Run!


With 5 days remaining, we are 10% away from our target of $3000.

We would love as much support from the Old Orchard Community.


You can donate by the following links:


Respectful Relationships

This week, we are sharing an activity that the Year 3 students have completed in the classroom. The activity aimed for children to identify similarities and differences between them and other students and why it's important to respect and appreciate differences between people. Students also discussed how they could show this respect and appreciation at school and home. You may like to complete this activity at home (verbally or in writing with the template) to identify similarities and differences within the family. Some prompts you may like to use include:

  • What similarities and differences did we all have?
  • Did anything surprise you about them?
  • Why is it important to respect our differences?
  • How can we show respect and appreciation for our differences?