Principal's Message

World Teacher’s Day

Throughout this week we have celebrated World Teachers' Day, acknowledging and appreciating the incredible educators who help shape our children’s future. Teachers play a vital role in nurturing young minds, imparting knowledge, and inspiring generations to come. World Teachers' Day is an occasion to recognise the dedication, hard work, and passion that teachers bring to their classrooms every day. It is a time to reflect on the impact they have on students and the community, and to show our gratitude for their commitment to education. Thank-you to each and every one of our teachers at Old Orchard who consistently go above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of the students they teach. 


Prep Transition 

On Friday we welcomed our 2024 Prep students to the second of our Prep Transition sessions. It was wonderful to see the excitement and enthusiasm of our newest students as they familiarised themselves with the Old Orchard environment and met new friends, along with their existing ones. We look forward to them joining the Old Orchard community in 2024.


Farewell Janet Russell

Most families at Old Orchard will have had some contact with our amazing librarian, Janet Russell, throughout her long association with our school. This might have been from attending her incredible bookfairs, purchasing books through BookClub, just borrowing books from the library (or even being chased up for overdue returns!) Janet has a 20+ year association with Old Orchard and our library. She commenced volunteering in the library at Old Orchard in 2002 when her eldest son Stuart started Prep and commenced employment as our Librarian in Term 4, 2010. Janet recalls the library relocating from the main building to its current location during the Term 1 holidays in 2011.


Janet has indicated her intention to retire at the end of this year and we will all miss the amazing work she does in our library and instilling a love of literature in our students. We will farewell Janet more formally later this term.


Student Leadership Elections 

Our Year 5 students are currently going through the selection process for student leadership roles for 2024. The leadership selection involves written applications, speeches to the current Year 5 cohort and the opportunity for student voting and staff input. We wish our students well with the process. 


PFA Spring Carnival Luncheon 

The annual Spring Carnival Luncheon was conducted last Friday and was another great success. This event is an opportunity for school parents to gather in a social setting, dress up in their finest, have some fun and a few laughs and raise funds for our school and a nominated charity. Our thanks to the PFA for their organisation of the event and to Vanessa and Brent Alford for hosting the event at their lovely home.


Kind regards

