Junior Classroom News

F/1/2 News
The F/1/2 students have shown great learning and adaptation to change over the past couple of weeks.
In Maths we are continuing to learn about time. The students developed their knowledge about calendars and made this knowledge relevant by creating a calendar of events that tracks the main teacher that they will have each day. The students were also very interested in discussing the colour coding key which supported them in understanding if Mrs Parry was going to be in the classroom, in the office, or away. They were also able to answer questions about the completed calendar. Starting this week we will be starting our unit on measurement, focusing on length/height, mass, capacity, and area, using direct comparison and informal units of measurement.
In English, the students have worked with Mr Salmon to learn about when ed makes an /ed/, /d/, and /t/ sound at the end of the words. They have been learning about the connection between how the last sound in the base word can influence the pronunciation of ed. When the last sound is unvoiced, it will most likely make a /t/ sound (eg. liked, asked, jumped), when it is voiced or a vowel sound it will most likely make the /d/ sound (eg. buzzed, rained, tried), and when the base word ends in d or t it will go /ed/ (eg. spotted, coded, needed). They also started learning about doubling the last consonant graph on base words that have a short vowel sound directly preceding it, to help it stay a short vowel sound.
Coming up on Wednesday 8th November, the students will be participating in a Letterland Dress Up Day to mark the completion of their introduction to the core Letterland phonics skills. The students are invited to dress up as their favourite Letterland characters. If you need more information about what the characters look like, each student has access to Letterland Phonics Online that has images on all of them. Your child’s login to this site should be in their reader folder from earlier in the year.
Grade 3/4 News
This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from responsible pet ownership. We learnt about how to approach a dog and how to respond if a dog is not friendly.
We have been working on the topic location in maths. To celebrate our learning the class made a treasure map of the school and hid treasure for a partner to find. Everyone did very well and has learnt a lot about mapping, symmetry and transformation.
On Thursday we attended mass. Sophie and Vince helped Father in the role of Alter Servers.
Thank you to Taylah for bringing in some of her honeycomb, it was absolutely delicious! The class enjoyed their own little bit of honeycomb before break.
Manny and Vince have been very creative at break time making a sword and bow and arrow out of natural resources, well done boys.