Parents and Friends News

PRESIDENT- Katrina Ogden VICE PRESIDENT- Emma Thompson SECRETARY- Brynne Schumacher ASSISTANT SECRETARY- Kelly Ross TREASURER- Brittney Kouroupakis SCHOOL REP- Cate Fraser BOARD REP- Sharon Gleeson
General Committee Members Kacey BarlowAroha Potae, Shandy Chairul, Leanne Cleary, Christie Thomas, Laura Ackroyd, Melissa French
Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be Friday Nov 10th @1:30 in the Art/Science room.
Donations Needed
We are asking for donations to go into our mystery hamper that is part of our major raffle.
Items can be decor products household or beauty items.
These can be left at the office with Peta
St Marys Fete Friday 17th Nov 2023
Our annual fete is being held again this year running from 4:00pm to 7:30pm.
There will be lots of activities for children to enjoy plus our famous spinning wheel.
Parent helpers are required and a roster was sent out last week.
We will also be drawing our major raffle.
Please keep this date free as it will be a great night for our school community.
Ice Cream Sundaes
The P&F will be doing ice cream sundaes on
Friday 24th Nov.
Cost is $5 and should be written on brown lunch bag and handed into the office by Tuesday 21st Nov.
We thank the P&F ladies for organising these special days for us.