Senior Classroom News

Grade 5/6 News
This fortnight, the Gr 5/6 students have been busy enjoying themselves at tabloid sports, learning about measuring angles with protractors and labelling them, and writing a persuasive letter and explanation, focusing on what the Bible tells us on how to look after our home - earth.
In Religious Education, the Gr 5 /6 have been learning about creation, our natural history - formation of the earth and the creatures including us. This unit in RE is called Creation and Our Responsibility. It has led us to study the book of Genesis (which needs to be understood symbolically, not literally) and the message Pope Francis has for all of us on looking after creation - our home.
During Maths, the students have refreshed their memories on measuring angles using a protractor and labelling angles as acute, obtuse, reflex, supplementary and right angles. They have been converting time and making a picture using different geometric shapes.
During English, Gr 5 /6 have been working on refining their skills in explanations with How to Grow a Sunflower and persuasive writing on telling us why they deserve a Gr 5 /6 Celebration for the End Of Year.
We have started making plans for the school’s fete. The students are excited to be organising posters and equipment and arranging their stalls.
During Cross Curriculum, the Gr 5 /6’s have been learning about Democracy, and we are now focusing on Law Enforcement.
In Bluearth the students enjoyed playing Jedi, Chinese Wall, Backboard & Capture the Flag; which also resulted in one of the chooks joining in on the fun - see photo.