Secondary News

Boys Cricket

Well done to our 9/10 boys cricket team for competing at the LMR Cricket competition in Donald today.

We won the first game but lost the second.

Overall, a great day was had by everyone.

Enviro Edu Visit

EnviroEDU & their critters scurried & slithered into MP10 last week for incursions with primary and secondary students across the school.

What a fantastically furry & fun way to learn about our native animals.


Boys Hockey 

Our 9/10 boys played two games of hockey today at the LMR competition at Bendigo.

After winning their first, they then experienced a defeat for the second game.

Overall, a fantastic effort.

Congratulations to our LMR athletes with their amazing effort in Bendigo last week.

Claire N:

 1500m - 4th

 800m - 4th

Claire N
Claire N

Charli H:

Discus - 4th

Javelin - 3rd

Long Jump - 3rd

Triple Jump - 3rd

Charli H
Charli H

Eden T:

 Javelin - 1st

 Long Jump - 6th

Eden T
Eden T

Fantastic achievement - you should all be super proud of your efforts

Maths Textbooks for 2024

We have a number of secondhand 9 and 10 Essential Maths and 9 and 10 Essential Maths Core textbooks for sale. Prices are $10 and $30 respectively.  First in best dressed.


Expressions of Interest - Instrumental Music Lessons

School Uniform

With the mornings becoming cooler, students are expected to wear full winter uniform every day. Students and families are reminded that hoodies are not part of the school's official uniform and cannot be worn at school. Students who are out of uniform must bring a note of explanation including when they will be back in complete uniform. While out of uniform, students must wear alternative clothing that is as close as possible to college uniform (eg. a black or white top).Parents will be contacted if a student is out of uniform without a note.  If the parent/guardian can be contacted the student may be sent home to return in full school uniform or uniform brought to the college to change into. If the parent/guardian cannot be contacted the student will be provided with emergency clothing for that day by the school.

 If you have any queries regarding the Uniform contact Mr Morgan on 50252501.

The school holidays is the perfect time for families to ensure they have the correct uniform to start term 3.


School Phone Policy

Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours in their locker. If students are caught on their phone between 9am-3:17pm the following actions will occur:


1st Offence -phone is confiscated and stored in the main office. Phone will be returned to student at end of the day


2nd Offence- phone is confiscated and stored in the main office. Parent will be required to collect the phone.


3rd Offence- phone is confiscated and stored in the main office. Parent will be required to collect the phone. Student will be required to hand their phone to the front office each morning or leave their phone at home for a

 period of time determined by the Principal/Assistant Principal


4th Offence- meeting with the Principal and a suspension may be applied.


Parents are reminded to contact the office on 50252501 to pass on messages to students. This is to avoid students using their phones at school and having it confiscated. 

(Parents should not contact their child by phone between school hours of 9am and 3:17pm)


Please contact Mr Morgan if you have any queries regarding the phone policy.


Doctors In Secondary Schools Program

Our Doctors in Secondary Schools program is available for all secondary students to access free (bulk-billed), confidential health care at school. This is a fantastic service which students can access for any of their health care needs including asthma/anaphylaxis plans, catch-up immunisations, mental/emotional health and any other medical concerns no matter how big or small. Students can see the school doctor for any reason that they would see their usual GP.

The rooms will be open every Wednesday during the school term from 9am – 2pm. Students can make appointments by contacting Amy in the general office or they can ask a teacher or wellbeing staff member to make the appointment for them – the only details required to make an appointment will be the student’s name and date of birth.

Parents are welcome to attend appointments if the student wishes.

The doctor will be unavailable for the rest of term 3.  However, the nurse will be here to 



School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB)