Music News

The School Music Group Showcase

As a warm-up to the Summer Musical Soireé, and to share our music making with our friends, the School Music Groups traditionally play at a school assembly.

However, this year we are trying something different.


The School Music Group Showcase will take place in the hall after lunch on Friday 10 November. This event will be in TWO PARTS.


At 2:30, Years 1-4 will attend the hall as audience. The School Music Groups will play one piece each.


At 2:45, Foundation students and Years 5-6 will attend the hall as audience. The School Music Groups will play one piece each.


Then the school will move outside to attend assembly as usual. Families are welcome to attend the showcase from 2:30 - 3:00 pm.


Unfortunately, our wonderful choir conductor can’t make it, so the choir will present their own CHOIR Showcase in the hall on Wednesday 15 November at 2pm. Families are welcome to attend the choir showcase.


MUSIC ENROLMENT FOR 2024 music lessons and school music groups.


Enrolments are now open for 2024.

Current students of the program will receive an email recommendation from their current music tutor.

New students are encouraged to apply.


To enrol your child in the 2024 Instrumental Music Program, 

please submit the form by MONDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2023. 

One form per student. 

Please note that you are most welcome to submit the form before the due date.


Here is the link:


Please submit the Google form and be prepared to make online payment via the trybooking link by Monday 20 November this year.


Please go to the music page on the school’s website for bio’s of our wonderful music team.