Message from the Principal Team

Week 6 Already!

Term 4 has absolutely flown by. At this time of year, while the teaching staff are finalising the Semester 2 Student Reports, the Principal Team have been reflecting on the 2023 Annual Implementation Plan and the Goals and Targets that we have set to achieve during the course of the year. We have also continued to analyse the data sets to plan for continuous school improvement and set targets for 2024. These data sets include:

  • Victorian Curriculum Teacher Judgement
  • Student Attitude to School Survey Years 4-6
  • Staff Opinion Survey
  • Parent Opinion Survey


2024 Foundation Transition Sessions Next Week

On Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 November our 2024 Foundation students will attend their first transition sessions in readiness of commencing big school next year. On these days the incoming Foundation cohort will be split up into two groups, with one group attending on Tuesday and the second group attending on Wednesday between 12:00-1:00pm. In Week 8, the entire cohort will attend on Tuesday 21 November while the 2024 Foundation parents attend an information session.


Monday 6 November - Report Writing Day - Student Free Day

On Monday 6 November, our teaching staff spent the day working on the Semester 2 Student Reports. This student-free day is dedicated to assessment and reporting as mandated by the Department of Education. 


Foundation Breakfast Friday 10 November

Tomorrow our Foundation students will be attending our annual Foundation Breakfast. This event is part of our School Camps Program and assists our students in preparing for the Year 2 Sleepover and the Year 3/4 and 5/6 Camps. 


150 Year Anniversary Celebration Assembly and Morning Tea Monday 20 November at 9:15am

We will be formally celebrating our 150 Year Anniversary with an Official Assembly followed by School Tours conducted by students and then a Morning Tea in the Library on Monday 20 November at 9:15am. We have reached out to the Wurundjeri Council to arrange a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony and we have invited a number of special guests. Secretary of the Department of Education, Jenny Atta, has accepted our invitation to attend as has our local Member of Parliament Dr Tim Read and past Principal, Graham Stevenson.


We would also like to extend a warm invitation to our Carlton North Primary School community including past students and families.


Principal Team

Rachel Corben and Jane Bilby