Secondary Year 11/12

Year 11
During this term, our Year 11 students have been focusing their attention on the Earn and Learn Program. This curriculum is designed to equip students with the necessary skills for their future beyond school, by providing a simulated experience of independent living.
Students were assigned classroom tasks in order to earn their weekly salary, and they were additionally rewarded with bonuses for achieving success passes, completing work in a timely manner, and being prepared to work. They enjoyed creating items for the classroom store and using their earnings to buy things from the shop every two weeks.
The students investigated various places available within our community and explored how to make the most of both free and paid resources. They gained knowledge about the responsibilities and qualities of a community leader in the school. In addition, they were given the chance to interact with community leaders during their excursion visits and have meaningful discussions with them.
Year 12
The Year 12 focus for Term 4 has been the Giving Back project.
Students advertised and gathered donations which they sorted, priced and sold through their second hand shop. The aim of the project was to raise money to give back to the staff that had a contribution to the students’ learning journeys. The shop ran for 4 weeks. During this time, students tidied the shop, dressed mannequins, used the register and served customers. We were all amazed at the final total of over $700, which is the most amount ever raised in similar projects.
Students invited past and current staff to the school to enjoy a light lunch and time for a chat. It was lovely to see how students and staff reacted to seeing each other and there has been a lot of positive feedback since.
As the year wrapped up, Year 12 students were busy writing and reading their speeches ready for graduation. They reflected on their school memories by looking at photos, some from as far back as 2011.
Students were excited to attend their final excursion to Luna Park. It was a relaxed, fun day they shared with their friends.
All Year 12 staff would like to wish the graduating students of 2023 all the best for their future journeys.
Speech Pathologist: Lauren Chan
How the year has flown!!
Term 4 has seen the students consolidate on their literacy and oral language skills to translate to their projects, work related skills and relationships with friends and members of the community. The year 12 students have been utilising these skills into their graduation speeches and Sydney camp!