Term 4 can see people feeling both frantic and lethargic at the same time. In many ways we are winding down, we can see the end dates and the days seem to be longer. There are also assessments to be done, exams to prepare for and deadlines to meet. Whatever the time of year, we are always called to be our best, in both the work that we do and in the way we interact with others in our community. Though we might be thinking a few weeks ahead to the end of the year, we should all be deliberately choosing to make the most of each day and the learning and growth opportunities a new day brings. In my role as Deputy Principal, I am often made aware of how wonderful our students are, how they have represented our school with pride, how they are well mannered and respectful and how they have made great contributions to the wider community. This feedback is always welcome and is a great reflection of our school values and of our students. It shows that so many of our students work hard, strive to the best of their abilities and act with generosity.


All students should be upholding our College Community Expectations. The first of these is that we are on time and ready to learn. On time means just that, on time. Students should be punctual to both school and class. We have built in movement times to our daily schedule so that students have adequate time to move to their next class. Some students are however still arriving late and holding up the teaching and learning for their class.


Ready to learn means that students are coming to class with all the materials for that lesson. Our Year 7 and 8 students need to bring a book for Lesson 4 each day and every student needs to have their MacBook charged and ready for use. Being ready to learn also requires an attitude or a choice; being prepared to listen, to follow instructions and to make an effort to engage with the learning for the lesson. 


The change in temperature can have an influence on energy levels admittedly. Students are most welcome to take water bottles to class, except in the Science Labs. They will not however be permitted to leave class to refill water bottles, this is something that can be done at recess or lunchtime. We should also acknowledge that while we might want to be drinking regularly it is not a necessity and students can make it through a class without a drink. 


Information will soon be circulated regarding uniform requirements given the change to the new uniforms for 2024. In the meantime a reminder that anklet socks, black socks, black runners and beaded necklaces are not part of our uniform. We have a good uniform and most of our students wear it really well. It is important that we attend to what some might deem the ‘small’ things such as punctuality and uniform, it is an indication that we have respect for ourselves and for our community.