Denise's Message

Dear Families,





As we come to the end of the term, it's hard to believe how quickly the time has flown by! This term has been filled with hard work, new skills, and a variety of engaging learning activities for the children. We are grateful to all the parents for their ongoing support and for participating in our learning walks, where they had the chance to see their children in action. A huge thank you also goes to our dedicated staff, who have consistently provided stimulating and enriching learning experiences. We wish everyone a relaxing and enjoyable holiday and look forward to welcoming everyone back, re-energised and ready for an action-packed Term 4! 



Congratulations to Amelia O'Keefe Year 1/2G for winning our MACSSIS Melbourne Show tickets lucky raffle.

A very big thank you to all the families who responded to our request to complete this survey. Each year at this time we ask our families, Yr 4, 5 and 6 children as well as all our staff to provide feedback on our St Michael's is performing across many different areas. This feedback will provide us with important information that will guide our School Improvement Plan for the coming year.


St Michael's Feast Day September 29th 

The Archangel Michael is seen as a fighter against evil and a protector of believers. His feast day reminds us of the power of faith and the ability to protect ourselves from negative influences.

We will celebrate this special day when we return in Term 4.


Summer Uniform

It is now time to check that your child's summer uniform is all in order and ready to wear in term 4. During the first weeks of term 4 families can choose whether to wear their summer or winter uniform as it may still be a bit chilly. Once the weather is consistently warmer children will all be required to wear their full summer uniform. Children are required to wear their school hat every day during term 4, please ensure your child brings their hat to school on the first day of term 4.


Congratulations to the Flood Family on the birth of Monty, a baby brother for Van in Yr1/2G and Silas in Prep T. Mum, Dad (Evelyn & Robbie) and baby Monty are all doing well. 






We wish Trisha Ong, Year 5/6N a speedy recovery. Trisha has had major surgery and all went well. We look forward to her return to school during term 4.



We pass on our deepest sympathy to the Battistella family, Michael, Kristen, Mia and Nina (Year 5/6N) on the passing of their much loved grandmother, Loretta Battistella.

We also pass on our deepest sympathy to the Robinson family, Neil, Karen and Sam (Year 3/4S) on the passing of their much loved grandmother in England.

May perpetual light shine upon them, may they rest in peace!


I will be on leave for the first week of term 4 as I travel along the northern NSW coast with my husband. Angela will be Acting Principal during my absence.



Denise Hussey



'The most simple thing I can do is to be good today but better tomorrow'

Catherine McAuley - Mercy Sisters Foundress



All students attending St Michael's Primary School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school./