From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 8!
Last week was a very busy week at Martin's Gully with Stage 1 enjoying an excursion to Thalgarrah, all students participating in tennis skills coaching, and selected students in Stage 3 attended the 4 day dance workshop at Armidale Secondary College with other students from schools in Armidale.
The Inquiring Minds Camp at Thalgarrah on Thursday and Friday was an opportunity for the students to extend their skills in a number of art workshops including graffiti art, silk and venom and animation creation.
Then, we had the North West PSSA Athletics trials, with approximately 20 students representing the Armidale Zone and school. From these trials, we now have a number of students invited to attend the State PSSA Athletics Championships in Sydney next term. They are:
Nixon - 100m, 200m, long jump and junior relay
Harry - 100m and 200m
Logan - 100m and shot putt
Alex - Long Jump
Charlotte P - 1500m
Brodie, Ryder, Kieran - Junior relay.
This week is a bit quieter, with Thursday being the busiest day with the Primary Choir having a rehearsal for New England Sings, and don't forget we have our final assembly for the term on Friday with Kindergarten presenting.
Tell Them From Me Survey
We are always trying to improve what we do. To assist in understanding this, each year we participate in the Tell Them From Me Survey. This survey looks at the following areas:
Two-way Communication with Parents
o Parents Feel Welcome
o Parents Are Informed
Parents Support Learning at Home
o Parents support learning at home
Parents' Participation at School
o Parents' participation at school
School Supports Learning
o School Supports Learning
o School supports positive behaviour
School Supports Child's Behaviour
o Safety at school
o Inclusive school
There is also a question on the student semester report.
To participate in the survey, please visit the link below.
Slime Fest
Has your child registered for the Slime Fest yet and started raising money. The slime fest will be held on Friday 20th September, so it's not far away. Money raised from the slime fest goes to the P&C. This year the P&C have supported the following activities:
- Financial assistance for students representing at State PSSA
- Paying for the Stage 3 Major Excursion Bus
- Providing a book for each student in K-2 at the end of year Celebration of Learning assembly
- The new sound/TV system in the hall
So please support this event as money raised goes back to the school.
Students will be required to bring a change of clothes on the day, including old shoes that will get wet and dirty. The event will be set up as 7 different stations that each class rotates through. This year, there will be non-slime related activities that students can participate in at each station.
Parents are encouraged to attend and help out at each station.
All students that register and raise money will receive a prize.
The slime fest will start at 1.00pm.
Stage 3 Excursion
A reminder to all Stage 3 parents and carers, who have a child attending the Stage 3 camp, payments must be finalised before the end of the term. Final numbers will be submitted on Friday 13/09/2024. If you have not confirmed your child is attending by this date, it will be assumed your child is NOT attending.
P&C Meeting
The P&C will be holding their next meeting, this Friday 1.00pm in the MPC. All welcome to attend.
You Can Do It!
Today in You Can Do It we are focusing on “Needing Approval” - this is a negative habit of mind that can affect our resilience.
Here are some tips to eliminate “Needing Approval”:
In order to help a child who is overly concerned with what others think of them, teachers and parents should find an opportunity to explain to the child that while it is nice to be liked and approved of, they do not need the approval of teachers or friends all the time. We need to share with our children that “You know that there are only a very few things we do need in life, and these include food, shelter and clothing.
We need to encourage our children to understand that although when we do something that someone disapproves of or that someone teases or criticises us, it is important to know that while it is not pleasant to be thought badly of or criticised, it is something that you can put up with and survive.” It should be emphasised that while it is preferable to try to be accepted and approved of, it is equally important to have a “Be Independent” way of thinking.
That means that it is important to try new things even if others think you are silly or stupid. Teachers and parents should try to eliminate extreme dependency of a child concerning schoolwork and their fears of being criticised for not having done it well enough.
It is important that we create future adults who are confident with accepting themselves.
Outdoor Classroom and Open Day
On Thursday 7th November we are having an Outdoor Classroom and Open Day. Throughout this day students will be involved in a number of lessons "outdoors" with the assistance of staff from Thalgarrah and UNE Discovery. Parents and the wider community will be invited to this day, and we encourage you to invite your friends to come and see our great school.
Icy Pole Friday
Icy Pole Friday is back. At recess time students can purchase an icy pole for $1. Money raised goes towards the Year 6 gift to the school.
Dates for your calendar:
Term 3
Week 8
Thursday 12th September - New England Sings Rehearsal
Friday 13th September - Assembly Kindergarten
- Icy poles for sale at recess - $1 each
Week 9
Tuesday 17th September - Tennis skills – all classes
Thursday 19th September - Taster Day ASC – 9.30am to 12.30pm
Friday 20th September - Slime Fest Day
- P&C Lunch Order Day - order via Qkr!
Icy poles for sale at recess - $1 each
Week 10
Tuesday 24th September - Tennis skills – all classes
Wednesday 25th September - Stage 3 - Movie Day - The Wild Robot
Friday 27th September - Last day Term 3
Dates for next term:
First day of T4 - 14th October
16th to 18th October - Stage 3 excursion - Great Aussie Bush Camp
26th October - New England Sings performance
31st October - Music Viva
4th November - Kindergarten's Teddy's Bears Picnic at Thalgarrah
Tuesday 5th November - Kindergarten 2025 Transition Morning
Thursday 7th November - Outdoor Classroom and Open Day.
Tuesday 19th November - Kindergarten 2025 Transition morning and welcome BBQ (5.30pm)
Friday 6th December - P&C Christmas Party and Fireworks
Friday 13th December - Celebration of learning Assembly
Wednesday 18th December - Year 6 Final Farewell Assembly and the last day of the year.
Road Safety Message
At school, your child is learning about road safety as part of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education. Please help reinforce the messages they are being taught by modelling safe pedestrian behaviours when in the traffic environment.