Principals Update

Mick Schinck

Key Events - Term 4

Term 4 - Week 1

  • Thursday 10th October - Year 3 & 4 Camp
  • Friday 11th October - Year 3 & 4 Camp & Division Athletics (Selected students)

Term 4 - Week 2

  • Tuesday 15th October - Swimming Program- Prep -Yr 4 & Reconciliation Evening for Year 2 families @ 7pm. Combined PFA/Fete Meeting @ 7pm in the staffroom
  • Wednesday 16th October - SEDA Football Inflatables (Students to wear sports uniform)
  • Thursday 17th October- Swimming Program- Prep -Yr 4
  • Friday 18th October- Swimming Program- Prep -Yr 4 

Friday 18th October-  Lucky Jar donations (School Fete)

Term 4 - Week 3

  • Tuesday 22nd October - Swimming Program- Prep -Yr 4 
  • Thursday 24th October- Swimming Program- Prep -Yr 4 & Prep 2025 Information Evening @ 7pm in the MPR
  • Friday 25th October- Swimming Program- Prep -Yr 4. World Teachers Day. Rugby Gala Day (Senior students only) 

Friday 25th October-  Wine and Chocolate Drive (School Fete)

Dear SJV Families,

Welcome back to the final school term of the year. I hope you all had the chance to relax and enjoy some downtime during the holidays. The sunshine and warm weather some of the time certainly made for some beautiful days and I hope your children got outside and enjoyed the fresh air. Congratulations to all of the Lions supporters on their team winning the premiership. It certainly was a great win by them.


We have another busy term coming up with a variety of events such as  the Year 5/6 camp, Year 3/4 camp, Graduation, Reconciliation, school reports, Prep orientation 2025, school fete and Christmas Carols evening, just to name a few. It promises to be another exciting term with many opportunities offered to all of our wonderful students.


This term, we also welcome a number of new families who have joined our SJV community. Bella Michaelis (Year 1/2KK), Lucie Prince (Year 1/2KK), Emilia Ludford Brooks (Year 1/2FP) and Zoe Tsomaropoulos  (Year 3/4EL) have all started the term extremely well and we hope that they enjoy the number of learning experiences that we offer here at SJV.  I am sure that you will all make them feel welcomed. 

  • The next newsletter will be shared with families on Thursday 24th of October

Please make sure that you take the time to read the newsletter as there is much happening here at SJV.

SJV School Musical - Once Upon a Fairytale Crisis

What a wonderful evening it was on Thursday 12th of September with the students performing, Once Upon a Fairytale Crisis.  It was a brilliant performance by our extremely talented students. You should all be so extremely proud of the terrific performance that everyone presented!  Once again, we’d like to thank everyone who was involved, and also thank you for coming to see the show. Please check out some of the photos below.


Term Letters 

The term letter for your child’s year level was sent via email on Monday. It details plans for the term. Please make sure you take the time to read it so you are aware of what is happening in your child’s class.

Pupil Free Day

There will be no school for students on Monday, 4th November, the day before the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. 

End of School Year 

School will finish for students at 12:00pm on Tuesday, 17th December.

Summer Uniform 

From the start of Term 4 all students can begin to wear their School Summer Uniform. The full transition to Summer Uniform will be by Monday 21st October (Week 3, Term 4) .

Hats are to be worn during any outside activities such as a playtime. All students are to have their hats at school by the end of this week.

Prep 2025 Parent Information Evening

We are excitedly preparing to welcome our 2025 Prep families and students for their Orientation program. This program continues to be a highlight of the year, as these children take their first big steps into school life. While some students already have a sibling at SJV, we cannot underestimate how this can still be quite an overwhelming experience as the children transition away from a very small Kinder/Early Learning Centre setting into a significantly larger one. For our new (and not so new) Prep parents, we look forward to welcoming you on Thursday 24th October at 7.00pm in the MPR. This information evening is a wonderful opportunity to meet new families and teachers who will work with your children.  


Our Prep 2025 Orientation Sessions are as follows:

  • Thursday 29th November 9:15am-10:45am
  • Wednesday 4th December 9.15-10.45am

School Fees

This is just a reminder that we still have some outstanding school fees that need to be paid to the office asap. If you are experiencing any difficulties with making any of these payments, please make sure that you contact me on to organise a time to discuss.

Classes for 2025

As we begin the process of planning ahead for 2025 classes, I ask any families who know that they will not be returning to St. John Vianney's in 2025 please inform me as soon as possible.

SJV Fete

Tuesday 15th October - Combined PFA/Fete Meeting @ 7pm in the staffroom

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15th @ 3:30pm.

As you are aware, our school Fete is taking place on Friday the 15th of November.

Much preparation and planning is taking place behind the scenes with the Fete Committee working hard to ensure that this year's fete will be the BEST EVER!!


We require a number of parent volunteers to assist coordinating stalls, working on stalls and helping with the set up and pack up etc of the school Fete. We would also like to ask if anyone had any suggestions of some new stalls that might be great to have, please feel free to contact us. 


It is also important to note the following dates where we require families to send donations in to the school office:

  • Wine and Chocolate Drive -  25th of October
  • Lucky Jars - 18th October & 1st November
  • Lolly Hunt Donations - 8th November
  • Cakes - Fete Day 15th November

We are also seeking donations for the silent auctions and the raffle. So, if you could ask around to any businesses or people etc that you know, and who are willing to donate, please contact Leon McGaw, or the school office.

To ensure the success of the SJV Fete, I am asking all families to commit to at least a minimum of 1 hour of your time to work at this event. More information will be shared in the coming weeks from the Stall Co-ordinators, Sascha Naismith and Louise Hamson.


Finally, please make sure that if you do have some new suggestions for a stall or are willing to coordinate a stall at this years Fete, please contact Nate Viviani, or myself 


More information will be shared with all families closer to the day regarding key dates for setting up etc.


We look forward to the whole community working together to ensure that this year's SJV Fete is a great success.


Kindest regards,

Fete Committee

Lucky Jars -18th October

Please bring along a jar filled with perishable items such as lollies as well as toys, stationery, stickers, craft items, hair accessories, coins, marbles etc for the Lucky Jar stall at the SJV Fete. Please use plastic jars or containers.

Chocolate & Wine Donation - Second Drive

The Choc Toss Stall is very popular at the fete, donating chocolate for the Stall is a great way to contribute to the fete and help generate profits. We kindly request your support in donating 2 blocks of chocolate per child on Friday the 25th of October.


The Wine Stall which is also popular requires donations. Please note that students CANNOT bring the wine donation in to the office. This needs to be done by adults/parents and can be brought in to the office on this day.

The third Working Bee for the year will take place on Saturday the 9th of November, 8.30am - 11.30am. The main job will be setting up for the school Fete.

Thursday 14th November - Working Bee for Fete. Setting up stalls, 4.30pm - 7.30pm - VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED

The final Working Bee will be on Saturday the 16th of November. This will be packing up after the Fete.

Google Review

We hope your experience with St John Vianney's Primary School Parkdale has been positive and enriching. If you have a moment, we would greatly appreciate it if you could share your thoughts and experiences by leaving us a Google business review. Your feedback not only helps us continue to improve and grow but also assists other families in making informed decisions about their children's education. Thank you for taking the time to support our school community!

To leave a review, simply click here.

SJV Facebook Page

SJV Official Facebook page


Please click on the link and join the SJV official Facebook page. This page will be regularly updated with information and photos of events taking place here at SJV.

2025 Enrolments 

Our Requests for School Tours are continuing with many booking times to come and visit our wonderful school! 


We are continuing the process of enrolling 2025 Prep students. If you know of anyone who is considering enrolling at the Foundation (Prep) level or any other year level, please encourage them to come and take a look and get in quick as places are filling fast. Families can book a school tour by contacting Nicole in our front office or scanning the QR code or book online on the SJV Website. Our enrolments are open to Catholic and non-Catholic students. Enrolment forms can also be downloaded from the school website or collected from the office.  We have been delighted with the highly encouraging response to the 2025 enrolment application process.


  • Dogs - Please note that for the safety and wellbeing of all members of our community, no dogs are permitted inside the school grounds and they must not be left unattended tied up at the gates. Adult supervision and holding of the leash is so important around vulnerable places such as schools.  We love dogs but we do have to take care of all members of our community.
  • Bikes and Scooters - Please walk bikes and scooters when moving through the school grounds.
  • Punctuality - It is expected that all students are to be at school by no later than 8.45am and not any time up to 9am. From 8.45am to 9am is crucial for students to get themselves organised, start the day with prayer, take the roll and ready to commence their day promptly. Formal lessons begin at 9am. Any child who arrives at or after 9am is to be signed in at the office by a parent/guardian. I ask all parents to make sure that you adhere to these times.



Mick Schinck
