Performing Arts / Production



The link for the ticket sales is now live.  Please click on link to purchase your tickets.  Please note there is a limit of 4 tickets per family.



St Patrick’s 2024 School Production


Preparations are well under way for the school production on Wednesday 16th October.  The production will be held at Robert Blackwood Hall at Monash University and both the junior and senior production will be on the one night commencing at 6:00pm.  The junior production will be The Journey of the Noble Gnarble and the senior production will be Finding Nemo Junior.  From now until the production updates can be found in the weekly school newsletter. 


The evening is compulsory and all students are expected to be there unless your family is away.  Please contact your child’s teacher if you will be away.  All students will be expected to stay for the whole production even if you only have children in the junior production.



Students have been busy preparing parts of their costumes during their Art Lessons. The hats have been collected and the school is providing a black tshirt. To complete the costume, the following items will need to brought in from home:

  • Black pants
  • Runners or Other soft soled shoes, (no wheels or lights) and no school shoes.

Pants and shoes need to be at school by Monday 7th October in a plastic bag clearly labelled with your child’s name. We would prefer all items to be kept at school, however, if black pants or runners can be taken home after the school dress rehearsal if needed. All  pieces need to be returned to school by Friday 11th October in preparation for the dress rehearsal and production the following week. 



Key Updates:


  • Congratulations to the winners of the production front cover competition. 

Harriet P - 6BR          Charlotte C and Ariel W- 2MH


  • It would be beneficial if students with a speaking role could rehearse their lines at home as they will need to have them memorised.  We also hope the students are listening to the songs at home as well. These can be found on SeeSaw.
  • Tickets will be sold online through Monash University and will be available from Friday 6th September.  Tickets will only need to be purchased for parents and other family members wishing to attend.  There is a limit of 4 tickets per family. All students from St Patrick’s will be sitting together and will not need tickets.  A link for the ticketing website will be emailed to families. The prices for tickets will be as follows:

Adult  - $35

Concession - $20

(pensioners & children under 15) -$15

Children under 5 -$5 

Children 2 and under 

sitting on their parents lap  - Free


  • On the night students must be at the RBH by 5:30pm.  There will be a meeting place for all students to be dropped off with school staff.
  • Families will need to collect children from a designated meeting place after the production.

Please ensure you keep checking this section in the newsletter for updates.