Volleyball Senior Girls
Volleyball, once we made it to the next round we started practising non stop, and kept training and training. Our principal told us that he would get us an Olympic coach to help us with the skills we struggled on. This Olympic coach played in the summer 2004 Olympics. We were extremely excited to get coached by a former Olympian, Luke Campbell.
Luke came to our school and taught us for two sessions. We learnt how to throw, dig, set, spike, and serve. Following this we then put it all into practice by playing mini practice match to get some rally’s going.
We now take our learnt skills to divisions tomorrow, Friday 18 October, we enjoyed and appreciated Luke for coming to help train us for the upcoming event.
Team members:
Mara, Tishayini, Sarah, Lea, Ella L, Ella p, Amira, Jane, Annastasia, Kamoch