Spanish Term 4
¡Bienvenidos to Term 4!
Hello, everyone! We hope you all enjoyed a beautiful break and are ready for a vibrant new term! This term, we’re excited to introduce our Spanish Fiesta, themed around the Mexican celebration El Día de los Muertos. We’ll be celebrating this colorful event on November 1st, and it promises to be a wonderful experience for our students as they explore culture and language. Parents and carers are welcome to come and join us.
What students can expect to learn this term (Essential Learnings by grade groupings):
- Listen to the traditional Spanish story “La Ratita Presumida” (Little Miss Mouse) and responding through acting, mime and drawing.
- Recognise and name vocabulary related to pet and farm animals.
- Sort things by colour and number, for example: "¿Es un perro marrón? Sí-No" (Is it a brown dog? Yes-No)
- Experiment with sounds in onomatopoeic words such as those related to animal sounds, for example: pío, quiquiriquí, miau, guau.
Grades 1 and 2:
- Interact with the teacher and other students in Spanish to exchange greetings and farewells.
- Locate specific words and expressions in simple print, spoken and digital texts such as songs and stories "¿A qué sabe la luna?" (What does the moon taste like?), and use information to complete guided spoken and written tasks
- Compose short stories by matching or sequencing a series of pictures with captions or by creating a storyboard with labels using modelled language.
- Convey factual information about characters in a Spanish story, for example, "El elefante es gris y grande" (The elephant is grey and big), "El ratón es pequeño" (The mouse is little).
Grades 3 and 4:
- Interact with teachers and peers in classroom routines, action-related talk and play.
- Read, view and listen to a range of print, digital and oral texts about wild animals and conservation, by responding to questions about characters, ideas and events or by illustrating and captioning aspects of texts.
- Name and recognise different animals that live in the Amazon raiforest and their habitat.
- Create simple illustrated bilingual texts that can be used by young learners of either English or Spanish, presenting key information on a topic of interest such as Earth conservation.
Grades 5 and 6:
- Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others, in the context of a shopping conversation.
- Listen to a sentence and identify shops, shopping items and the correct form of the verb ‘to buy’.
- Ask for prices and say the cost in Spanish using euros and three-digit numbers.
- Read and interpret shopping lists written in Spanish and take part in role-playing different shopping situations.
I look forward to having lots of fun in Spanish lessons with your children this term and I welcome you all to share in and enjoy the new Spanish being learnt this Term. Updates and highlights of students learning Spanish will be posted on our fortnightly Newsletter. And as always, any ideas or suggestions from parents, guardians and families are welcome.