From the Principal
Melbourne United 'Stand Tall' Program for Year 3 & 4 students
The ‘Stand Tall Wellbeing Program’ is delivered by Melbourne United Basketball Club. It is designed to support children build positive relationships and be the best they can
possibly be through classroom-based activities and on-court practical experiences. This program will see Year 3 and 4 students reflect and practise habits and behaviours embodying excellence, selflessness and inclusion. Students will attend four one-hour sessions across four consecutive weeks on the following dates:
- Tuesday 8th October
- Tuesday 15th October
- Tuesday 22nd October
- Tuesday 29th October
Stand Tall is delivered by trained facilitators and aligns with current Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs delivered in schools. It also aligns with the Australian Curriculum and Victorian Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships curriculum.
Footy Fever Day - Friday, 20th September
As part of the lead-up to the AFL Footy Finals and Footy Fever Day on Friday 20th
September, AFL Victoria Footy Roadshow will conduct a one-day interactive program at Camelot Rise Primary School for all Foundation to Year 6 students held on the basketball court. The students will be involved in a range of inflatable stations that include a climb and slide, marking tent, agility course, handball targets, mini goals, and game cube to promote AFL Football through part of the PE curriculum. The benefits of this program are:
- Developing students’ skills and an understanding of how to play AFL Football through qualified coaches.
- Promoting AFL Football at Camelot Rise Primary School.
Taking the Leap to Secondary School - Year 6 students
Transitioning to secondary school is a significant event for students (and their families). It's a time of immense change in their physical, social and emotional wellbeing. On top of this comes the demand of adjusting to a secondary school environment including higher
academic and organisation needs. This workshop is aimed at providing students with knowledge, tools and strategies to assist them in experiencing a smooth and successful transition. Students will be provided with many tips on how to cope with the move to secondary school so they can start preparing now and decrease any stress/ anxiety they may be feeling. The workshop will be facilitated by Amanda Lecuade from Organising Students.
School Saving Bonus for all Students
In Term 4, 2024, families with a child enrolled in a government school from Prep to Year 12 in 2025 will receive the one-off $400 School Saving Bonus. The $400 School Saving Bonus provides families with support for education-related costs, such as school activities and/or school uniforms and textbooks.
Actions for parents and carers
Before 18 October 2024, the Department of Education is asking parents and carers to:
- Complete enrolment: If your child or children are changing government school for Term 1 2025, or starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025. For more information, read about Enrolling in School.
- Check your contact information: Ensure your email address and phone number is up to date with us. You can check this information by contacting us directly.
We need to ensure your contact information is up to date as the Department of Education will email you twice:
- in October, to verify your email address
- in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus.
Please check your junk mail regularly to make sure you do not miss an important email.
To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, download the School Saving Bonus Information sheet for government school parents and carers by visiting
Information about how parents can spend the bonus will be disseminated in upcoming newsletters.
Right to Disconnect:
As you would be aware, recent amendments to the Fair Work Legislation came into effect on Monday, the Department of Education provided its response to this noting the rights of all staff to disconnect. These new provisions will be adopted alongside the department’s existing industrial and employment obligations, including occupational health and safety commitments. The legislation makes it explicit that all employees have the right to refuse contact from their employer or a third party (such as a parent or a family) outside of their normal working hours unless that refusal is unreasonable. This means an employee can refuse to monitor, read or respond to contact that occurs outside their normal working hours.
As you are aware, our staff work incredibly hard with many staff working in excess of 15-20 hours per week beyond their Monday – Friday teaching commitments. I welcome and appreciate your support when communicating with staff as we look to support and implement the amendments to Fair Work Legislation.
A lovely donation from our school community
Thank you from the Gardening Club
Hi Sheril and Asanka,
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you so much for donating sixteen pairs of new gardening gloves to Gardening club. And in varying sizes!
This gift was a welcome surprise! The students certainly wanted new ones, and we will put them to use each week. This will also allow us to spend more of our earnings on other things such as seedlings, more watering cans, etc.
Your generous donation will make Gardening club the place we all want to be!
Thank you again.
Ilana Tusia.
End of Term 3 Dismissal: Friday, 20th September at 2.30pm
Timetable for the last day of Term Three, Friday, 20th September
Friday, 20th September is the last day of term and the timetable for the day will be slightly different.
9.00am – 10.40am Students in class
10.40am – 11.10am Recess
11.10am – 12.50pm Students in class
12.50pm – 1.00pm Students eat lunch in class
1.00pm – 1.50pm Lunch play
1.50pm – 2.30pm Students in class
2.30pm Students dismissed from their classrooms.
Our Camp Australia, Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program commences at 2.30pm on the last day of term.
The students return to school on Monday, 7th October. This is the first day of Term Four.
Production reminder
Just a reminder that we have our Whole School Production on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October! This is the first week of Term Four!
Happy holidays
On behalf of all the staff we would like to wish all students and families a wonderful holiday. It has been a great Term Three at Camelot Rise Primary School, and we look forward to this continuing in Term Four. School commences on Monday, 7th October.
We welcome the community using our facilities during the holiday break as it is great seeing children and families being active and playing outdoors, however, if you see anyone acting suspiciously or inappropriately around the school grounds, please contact the Glen Waverly Police Station 9566 1555 or contact 000
Matthew Coney & Ben Heys