School Noticeboard

Week 6
Kylirrah Rotherick - Learning behaviour
Max Borchardt - Learning behaviour
Briella Borchardt - Best efforts during HASS assessment
Annabelle Bird - Learning behaviour
Annabella Nicula - Learning behaviour
Ellie Williams - Learning behaviour
Week 7
Zariah Rotherick - Responsible behaviour
Gabriella Nicula - Respectful behaviour
Charlotte Hiles - Learning behaviour
Student Running Awards - Week 6
Student Running Awards - Week 7
Kindy News
What children learn at Kindy
Keeping up to date on my child's progress
During the kindergarten year, the teachers may share information with you in many ways about how your child is progressing. They may:
- chat informally with you at drop-off and pick-up times
- have communication books / digital platforms with photos and information about your child's interests
- use photos to show the learning experiences in which your child is participating
- invite you to formal discussions about your child during the year.
At the end of the kindergarten year, you will get a summary of your child's learning and development progress during the kindergarten year in a transition statement. Transition statements include suggestions that will support each child's continued learning when they start school.
Kindergarten teachers develop the transition statement near the end of the kindy year and parents, carers and children contribute their thoughts about starting school.
When the transition statement is shared with the child's new school, the valuable information they contain about each child's strengths and interests is helpful for Prep teachers as they prepare to welcome each child and plan for their ongoing learning and development.
Parents and carers can choose to share the transition statement with their child's new school or they can consent to it being shared to the school by the Kindergarten teacher when they sign the transition statement parent/carer consent form.
Supporting learning and development at home
Teachers encourage you to have an active role in your child's education, from volunteering on decision-making committees and fundraising to attending information sessions or formal parent meetings.
Ask staff at your service how you can become involved. You can offer your skills and expertise, your time and energy, or your interest in your child and what they are learning and experiencing.
You are your child's first teacher. The most important thing you can do for your child is to talk with them. Language and the ability to communicate with others, which may include using sign language and devices to aid speech or writing, is essential for learning.
You are encouraged to read to your child every day, play simple games and explore outdoors, looking at nature and supporting them to talk about what they see.
Everyday experiences around the home are also valuable opportunities for learning. Tasks such as setting the table and helping with the grocery shopping, gardening and tidying up help children with their development.
Your child's brain is developing at a rapid rate, building the foundations for all future learning later in life.
Could notices for The Weekly please be emailed or phoned through by
2.00pm on a Monday afternoon.
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Contact Numbers
Phone: 07 4665 0133
Mobile Phone: 0436 948 675
Absence line :46650276