By Cass Jackson-L
By Cass Jackson-L
Prep to Year 2 Oral Hygiene Presentation from Ballarat Dental Group
On Tuesday 4th March, we were lucky to have Dr Becky and her able assistant ‘Tucker Tooth’ visit us from Ballarat Dental to do a presentation on Oral Hygiene. Dr Becky spoke with students about the importance of daily brushing and understanding the difference between healthy foods and sometimes foods. It was a great presentation with Tucker Tooth helping keep everyone entertained. We were very fortunate that Ballarat Family Dental made a huge donation, and this week, we were able to give every student in the school a free dental health kit.
Foodbank Victoria is the state's largest food relief organisation providing vital food relief to vulnerable Victorians for over 90 years. We are fortunate here at Lucas PS to have begun our Foodbank journey this past week with our first delivery of fresh fruit as well as some snacks and home packs of basic food items to support families that might be doing it tough. We now have fruit bowls in every classroom that can be replenished regularly so that every student in our school can access fresh fruit. You can find out more about the amazing work done by Foodbank here Foodbank | Ending Hunger in Australia. Hunger in Australia.
Healthy eating is essential for your child's good health, growth and development. To stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight, children need to be physically active and eat the right amount of nutrients to balance the energy they use.
Providing nutritional food throughout the school day can also have an impact on a child’s ability to learn and promote positive mental health.
The Australian dietary guidelines recommend children should enjoy a wide variety of foods from these 5 food groups:
Children should limit their intake of foods that contain saturated fat, added salt or added sugar. They should also be encouraged to choose water to drink.
Please click on any of the above embedded links to read more information.