Celebrations of learning at Lucas Primary School
Celebrations of learning at Lucas Primary School
In Spelling the Year 1/2s have been learning about the /ae/ sound and the /ee/ sound. Students have been learning how to segment words into the sounds they can hear and then blend them back together to say the word, for example p-l-ay = play. We have also learnt that two letters can make one sound, this is called a digraph, and even three letters can make one sound and this is called a trigraph! We have enjoyed practising our spelling skills on our dotted thirds whiteboards.
At the beginning of the term in Reading, we explored the differences between fiction and non-fiction texts. We learnt to identify whether a book is fiction or non-fiction and explained our reasoning based on text features such as facts, illustrations, and story elements!
More recently, we have focused on monitoring and self-correcting while reading. Students have been learning to notice when something doesn’t sound right or make sense and use strategies like decoding, recognising familiar words, and rereading to support our understanding. It has been great to see students’ confidence grow as independent readers!
In Writing, students have been focusing on accurately using capital letters and full stops in their writing. They have explored the theme of summer, building on their vocabulary and using descriptive language. Students were exposed to different types of figurative language such as similes, alliteration and onomatopoeia. They then used their knowledge gained to practise these language skills to uplevel their writing.
In Numeracy this term, students have covered many topics and developed many of their mathematical skills. We have had a strong focus on place value and identifying the value of each digit in a multi-digit number. Students have enjoyed playing Numeracy games such as Race To and Target Drop to demonstrate their understand of place value. We have also been learning about measurement including length, mass and time. Students have enjoyed using informal units such as unifix, counters, and their feet to measure objects around our classroom.
Integrated Studies
This term, in Integrated Studies, we have been learning all about being a ‘Super Citizen’ and how to demonstrate our four school values - Respect, Responsibility, Excellence and Growth at school, at home and in the community. We have made super citizen capes this term and worked towards earning badges for demonstrating each of our school values. We are visiting the Lucas Playground to celebrate all our learning this term around this topic. We can’t wait to wear our capes on our visit!
Respectful Relationships and SWPBS
In Respectful Relationships we have been learning about the importance of identifying emotions in ourselves and others and how that skill can help us. These skills assist us in being a good friend. We also learned about acts of kindness and how we can demonstrate these not just at school, but in the community and at home. Hopefully you notice some of these acts of kindness at home and be sure to let us know!
Next we will learning about the topic of personal strengths. This involves how we can work well with partners and larger groups using kindness and communication skills. We also celebrate our differences and how our individual character strengths can assist us being a good family and class member.