Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG)

We have had a busy few weeks in the garden with 3/4s and 5/6s with clearing up the garden and starting some planting with cucumbers, beans, marigolds and spinach that are starting to come up in the newspaper pots that the students have made. This week the seedlings were measured, and their growth graphed and will be planted out in the garden in the next few weeks.
Each class has a garden bed that they will empty their classroom compost bucket into to feed the worms in the garden and some days it will go straight into the large compost bin.
There has been some reviewing on tool safety/what is in the shed/setting up/packing up and how to be safe in the garden.
There has been seed saving from lettuce, sunflowers and marigolds stored away in the new seed covers that the students have designed.
The compost bin was moved closer to the garden, and we made compost lasagne with the different layers of greens, browns and organic materials.
The scarecrows for each year level are underway and one will be submitted to the Melbourne Garden and Flower show in March for this year's theme for the Sustainable Scarecrow Competition is ‘Garden Superhero’.
We have had a busy time in the kitchen, the students in Year 3/4 continuing to learn and practise knife skills and adding dough making to their repertoire! The tomato and basil pizza (entirely made from scratch!) was a hit, as was the Indian flatbread made today to go with fresh corn salsa. We have harvested a lot of silver beet over the last 2 weeks, it's just a very versatile vegetable which goes well in calzone, or in a warm salad with chick peas and currants. The Year 5/6 students also made a delicious brownie which was the subject of 'guess the secret ingredient' for Open afternoon. Thank you to all who had a taste!