Grade 3-6:

Grade 3/4A and Grade 4/5A have continued studying the book "Matilda" which is written by Roald Dahl. Both classes have really been enjoying reading this book both independently and as a whole class. The students have connected with the main characters in the book and have found it a very entertaining book to read with their teacher and friends at school. It has been great to see the students have such in depth conversations regarding themes and characters based on our book "Matilda."
The Grade 5/6A class have continued studying the book "War Horse" which is written by Michael Morpurgo. The Grade 5 and Grade 6 students are enjoying learning all about the characters and the themes within the novel and are having great discussions around the book. War Horse is a great book to read and the feedback from the students has already been extremely positive.
Grade 3/4A, Grade 4/5A and Grade 5/6A have been busy preparing for the upcoming NAPLAN tests which are on in Week 7 of this school term. All classes in the Senior Module have been refreshing their memory on what goes into a Narrative Writing Piece, as well as what the structure of a Persuasive Writing Piece looks like. It has been great to see the students really try their best during Writing lessons during the start of this term and we are extremely proud of the hard work the students are putting in.
As well as learning all about the topic of Place Value, students in the senior module have been able to refresh their memory on a wide range of mathematical topics in preparation for the upcoming NAPLAN tests. Each teacher in the module have had their classes participate in a wide range of teamwork activities that involve the use of mathematical thinking.
Wednesday 26th February 2025 Open Afternoon (3:00pm - 5:00pm):
Mr Noordhoff - Paper Helicopters.
Mr Williamson - Marshmallow Toothpick Towers.
Mr Elliot - Dance Competitions.
On Wednesday the 26th of February, Waverley Meadows Primary School had their 2025 open day and overall it was a huge success. Each classroom in the school had a fun and engaging activity that was occurring within that classroom. It was great to see so many new faces and families of the WMPS community engaging with all the activities that were organised.
Thank you to everyone that came along and supported our wonderful school on this sunny afternoon in February.
School Colour Fun Run: Friday 21st March 2025
Please remember to create a profile at