Grade 3 News

Important Reminders
Monday 10th March - Labour Day
Wednesday 12th March - NAPLAN writing
Thursday 13th March - NAPLAN reading
Tuesday 18th March - NAPLAN conventions
Wednesday 19th March - NAPLAN maths
Friday 21st March - Circles
Friday 28th March - House Athletics
Friday 4th April - Last Day of Term 1; Easter Raffle, Happy Hat Parade, 2:30pm Finish
Learning in Action
Students have continued their novel study of ‘Matilda’ this fortnight, completing their narratives by writing a resolution that matches the problem of their story. Students were also encouraged to add adverbs and adverbial phrases to help their reader understand the time, place and manner in which the problem was solved. They have also written a conclusion to their narrative that either fixes a problem, teaches a character a lesson, or brings the story full circle.
Students have continued to examine the different types of sentences (statements, commands, questions and exclamations) as well as exploring new vocabulary from ‘Matilda’.
Over the next fortnight, students will commence their persuasive writing unit. They will look at point of view, how a persuasive text is structured, and how to identify and write topic sentences with supporting details.
The Grade 3s have continued to deepen their understanding about Place Value by identifying zero as a place holder and expanding 4 digit numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. The students followed on with this by decomposing numbers in various ways, using MAB to support their learning. Students also worked on reading a number line, placing 2 or 3 digit numbers on a number line and finding the value of the arrow on a number line.
In the applied Maths sessions they completed their length measurement unit by ordering the dinosaur footprint measurements from smallest to largest, with some students calculating the difference between them. This week we started the data unit by thinking about what data they wanted to collect and posing a question. They then used tally marks to record their classmates’ responses.
NAPLAN will continue to be a big focus. Students will work on problem solving, reviewing their skills, and using the Chromebooks to have a practice run of NAPLAN style tests before the actual test.
In the next fortnight, students will also collate the data and present their findings in a column graph for the applied maths unit, ensuring that they set out and label their graphs correctly.
Knowledge Rich:
This week in our Knowledge Rich session, students looked further into physical health and the importance of exercise in keeping our bodies healthy. Students practised a mindful meditation in class and took note of how their heart rate felt. They then went outside to run a lap of the soccer pitch/playground and then compared their heart rate and breathing to that of before the run. Exercise and movement is so important for our bodies. In addition to recess, lunch and PE, we provide regular brain and body breaks inside and outside of the classroom. These are opportunities for the students to burn some energy and be ready to refocus and learn.
Next fortnight, we will continue looking at how we can keep our bodies healthy, with a focus on healthy foods, sometimes foods and making good food choices.
During this fortnight, students have been revising some friendship facts; that no friendship is perfect, every friendship is different, trust and respect are the two most important parts of friendship, and friendships change and that is ok. Students have also been using the ‘friend-o-meter’ to help identify whether or not a friendship is a healthy one, and what they can do to help keep a friendship healthy.
Students will revise the definition of ‘friendship fires’ next fortnight, and focus on identifying when an issue is a friendship fire vs when it is being mean on purpose. Students will discuss steps to take to help resolve conflicts, and how to move forward in a friendship.
Students will also explore more about ‘mean on purpose’ behaviour, identifying behaviours that are cruel, mean or rude and designed to hurt someone. They will then practice some ‘quick comeback’ phrases designed to remove themselves from unwanted behaviour from others.
Cross Country:
The Grade 3 students had a wonderful time participating in the House Cross Country last Friday. We are so proud of the students for persisiting, challenging themselves and giving it a go! It was fantastic to see the students upholding the school values and supporting one another to finish the race. All of the students should be extremely proud of their efforts!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Grade 3 Team,
Mrs Rosewarne, Mrs Huxley, Mrs Stokol and Miss du Vallon
Term 1 Specialist Timetables
*Please note these are our Specialist days each week, but on the odd occasion the timetable may change.
3D | 3RH | 3SH | |
Monday | STEM | STEM | STEM |
Tuesday | P.E Performing Arts | Performing Arts LOTE Library | LOTE P.E |
Wednesday | Library | ||
Thursday | LOTE | P.E | Performing Arts Library |
Friday | Visual Arts | Visual Arts | Visual Arts |
Mathematics Hub
This guide describe what children learn in maths at school in Prep. They will give you some ideas for games and activities you can play at home to help your child learn.