Grade 2 News

Important Reminders

Monday 10th March - Labour Day

Monday 31st March - Celebration Morning 

Friday 4th April - Easter Raffle, Happy Hat Parade, Last day of Term 1 (2:30pm dismissal)


Don’t forget to check your child’s library day so they can bring their library bag to borrow books for home.


Production dates:

Tuesday 2nd September

Wednesday 3rd September


Weekly Timetable

Learning in action



Over the past fortnight, we have focused on the texts “We’re All Wonders” and “Remarkable Remy” in our Literature Units. Both texts focus on understanding others and showing empathy towards others' differences. We have also continued to focus on identifying the problem, solution and resolution within the texts.


The Grade 2 students have also continued to practice their individual reading goals, supporting their understanding of letters and sounds, decoding, reading fluently and comprehending sentences based on their sparkle level.


In Writing, we have been continuing our learning around identifying and including adjectives, whilst introducing the concepts of adverbial where (where something is done) and adverbial when (when something is done) to expand simple sentences. 

Preview -

Preview - In the coming weeks our Literature units will be focusing on the texts “A Friend like Simon” and “Littlelight”. In sentence level writing we will continue to look at identifying and developing expanded sentences with adverbial when, where, how and why. 



The past fortnight we have been focusing on the awau and or codes.



During our whole number place value unit students have been looking at different parts of the number. Focusing on what value the digits represent and how to decompose a number.


For example:

When we decompose a number we make it into smaller parts. The number 45 is known as 4 tens and 5 ones. This can be decomposed into 3 tens and 15 ones. Again with a 3 digit number: 278 is 2 hundreds, 7 tens and 8 ones. This can be decomposed into 1 hundred 16 tens and 18 ones. It is also the same as 278 ones. The students have been using MAB and drawing to assist with their understanding of this concept and been working with either 2, 3 or 4 digits. In our applied session this week we started looking at data, how to ask a question and record it.


Preview -

Over the next fortnight we will start to look at ‘0’ as a place holder and what the 0 represents in numbers. We will also learn more about data and how to interpret it after it has been collected.



Knowledge Rich:

Over the past fortnight our students have continued looking at what it means to be healthy, looking closely at healthy eating and our mental health. The Grade 2’s enjoyed learning about the food pyramid and the different food groups including proteins, grains, dairy, fruits and vegetables. The students had fun searching through catalogues and creating a balanced meal.


We also explored the importance of mental health, ensuring that our minds are just as healthy as our bodies. Students brainstormed all the ways they can help their mind feel good as well, practising strategies such as guided breathing, mindfulness and calm reading or drawing with music.

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Over the next few weeks the students will engage in a rotation of activities, delving into healthy eating, physical activities and mental health.



The Grade 2’s have continued engaging in the Friendology program by looking at the four friendship facts and different strategies to make friends! Some strategies include being a ‘Super Introducer,’ ‘Ask and Pass,’ ‘Quick Question,’ and ‘Be a Magnet.’ It was fantastic to see students put these strategies into action out in the yard, meeting new people and making new friends!


The Grade 2’s have also loved getting back into the Curious Corner! This term students are engaging in different play based activities, whilst keeping our new school values in mind. They aim to show respect, teamwork, aspirations, community and kindness through sharing toys, listening to their peers and keeping their environment clean.

Preview - 

Next week we will be learning about the friend-o-meter!


Cross Country:

On Friday the 28th of March the students participated in the whole school Cross Country. As a grade 2 teaching team we were so proud of the students' determination and resilience throughout the day. Whether the students sprinted across the finish line or persevered through every challenging moment, it was so inspiring and fantastic to see. We would also like to say a big thank you to all the parents and families who came and supported the students on the day! The Pegasus spirit was well and truly on display!


Grade 2 Homework options 


Click Here 


Grade 2 Teachers

Bronte Darvidis, Mikayla Harvey and Taryn Bailey


Mathematics Hub

This guide describes what children learn in maths at school in Grad. They will give you some ideas for games and activities you can play at home to help your child learn.