Grade 1 News

Important Reminders

All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!



Please refer to the timetable below of which day each class is going to the library. Please ensure your child has their library bag so they can borrow weekly. 


Please remember to send your child's take-home folder to school.


A few upcoming dates

10/3: Labour Day Public Holiday

4/4: Last Day of Term 1. Dismissal at 2.30pm.


Production dates:

Tuesday 2nd September

Wednesday 3rd September



For homework in Grade 1 the expectation is that students will read their take-home book to an adult each day. Every student will receive a new book from their classroom on a Monday. Students will need to return their previous book before receiving a new book. 


Here are some optional activities: 


Click Here 

Learning in Action



Over the past two weeks, students have been busy within the Literacy space.


Word Work

Students have been learning how to read and spell CCVCC words (c=consonant, v=vowel). Some words that follow this pattern include:

- spilt

- swift

- crisp

- print

- blink


Students have been working hard to isolate each sound verbally, and transfer this sound knowledge to their spelling.


Sentence Level Writing

Students have been learning to expand simple sentences to include an adjective. This has built on student knowlege of what an adjective is, and it's purpose when describing a noun. The activity below is a sample of how students practiced this skill.

One particular student (Riley R, 1H) was proud of his sentence: A stinky sock fell out of Miss Albanese's bigbag.



Students have been practising the lowercase version of the following letters: t, l, k, h, b, d, f, z.



Students have been learning about actions and consequences through analysing the writing of Indigenous author, Gregg Dreiss. They have engaged with Dreamtime stories and art whilst identifying the actions main characters in the story have taken and consequences that flow from these choices.


Preview of learning:

Word Work

Students will be tackling CCCVC words (e.g. split, scrap, splat).


Sentence Level Writing

Students will be editing sentences to upgrade the who/what, and add a when and where. For example: She walked ---------> The little girl walked up the mountain at lunchtime.



Students will be working on the correct formation of the lowercase version of the following letters: a, c, d, e, g, o, q, s, k, v.



Students will be engaging with texts with the overarching purpose of understanding that all families are different, and our aim is to instill knoweldge and respect for these differences in the Grade 1 students.



Over the past fortnight, Grade One students have been working on some exciting and important number concepts in maths!


One of the key areas of focus has been counting forwards and backwards from any number by 1s. The teacher has been modelling how this can be done easily, helping students gain confidence in their counting skills. Alongside this, the cohort has also been learning how to count by tens from any given number. This has been a fun and engaging way to explore the concept of grouping numbers and seeing how they grow in tens!

An exciting part of the learning involved a place value chart. The teacher demonstrated how to make the number 47 on the chart, showing how the number 40 comes from four tens and the 7 comes from seven ones. Students learned that when counting by tens, we don’t need to count by ones—simply saying “ten, twenty, thirty, forty” helps us move quickly!


In class, students have been counting out loud with a purpose. For example, they’ve practiced saying, “We know this is 10, we don’t need to count by 1s,” before counting the tens by tens and adding the ones. This clear structure helps them understand number relationships better.


Additionally, students have explored the concept of “problem solving” and how to be “efficient problem solvers”. This included drawing their thinking, however not like what they would do in Art with Mr Zach, but drawing to solve a problem quickly. 



Preview for learning: 

Student’s will continue to build on their knowledge around the position of a digit within a number, and arranging numbers in ascending and descending order. 




Students have continued their learning about what makes a healthy person. They have engaged with the following dimensions of health:

Nutrition: Different types of healthy foods - grains, protein, fruit, vegetables, dairy. Students drew their own healthy dinner plate to capture their learning.

Mental Health: Students engaged in a mindfulness meditation and discussed the impact it had on their mood. Additionally, each class brainstormed a list of activities we can do to stay mentally healthy.

Preview of learning: Over the next three weeks, students will engage in an activity rotation associated with physical health, nutrition and mental health.



Learning in Action

Students have been learning about the four friendship facts:

  1. No friendship (or relationship is perfect)

  2. Friendships change... and that's ok!

  3. All friendships are different

  4. Trust and respect are the most important qualities of a friendship

Additionally, students have been learning about the Friend-o-meter, a gauge to help them understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships.

Preview of learning: Over the next fortnight, students will be learning how to navigate friendships fires and tricky situations.


Curious Corner

Please enjoy some photos from our Curious Corner visits where we practise applying our friendology skills and learn how to demonstrate our school values through play-based learning.



From the Grade 1 teachers, 

Ms Holmes, Miss Albanese, Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Ryan



Mathematics Hub

This guide describes what children learn in maths at school in Grade One. They will give you some ideas for games and activities you can play at home to help your child learn.