Prep News

Important Reminders

All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date.

  • Students are required to bring their take-home bags to school daily. This will be used for notices, sending home student work and take-home books when we start our at-home reading program. 
  • Library will begin next week, please ensure your child has a clearly named library bag ready for their session. 
  • Assembly Friday's at 2:45 in the gym. Please note, you will be notified before your child receives their first award. 

A few upcoming dates

10/3: Labour Day Public Holiday

4/4: Last Day of Term 1. Dismissal at 2.30pm.

Preview for Learning:


This week in Literacy, our Preps have been busy practicing important skills to help them become confident readers and writers. Each day, we've been reviewing letter names and sounds for the whole alphabet. The children have enjoyed learning to sound out and blend simple words using these letters, and their confidence is growing.


We’ve also been enjoying our weekly reading rotations. Preps have been working on independent activities and also in small groups with the teacher to practice their reading goals. The students have also met some new characters from the Milo Monkey Friends series, including Leo the Lion and Vicky the Vulture, which have made learning even more fun.

In addition to reading, the Preps have been practicing building sentences. They’ve been working with a partner to create oral sentences that include a Who and What, helping them understand how sentences are formed. We’ve also been having fun with nursery rhymes like One, Two, Buckle My ShoeThis Little Piggy Went to Market, and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. The children have actively participated in discussions and enjoyed singing along.

Finally, we’ve been focusing on handwriting and letter formation. The Preps have been practicing the ‘Peggy Lego’ letter patterns and working on writing their letters clearly and correctly. It’s been a wonderful week of learning, and the Preps are making great progress!

Preview of learning: Children will meet the Milo Monkey characters for Jj, Uu, Kk, Zz and Qq. Continue to practice sounding out and blending letters to read S, A, T, P, I, N, M words. Prep students will learn to identify and define a noun and continue practicing correct letter formation in handwriting. 



Over the past fortnight, students have learnt about the numbers 2 and 3. Students enjoyed representing the number in tally marks, on a die, tens frame, as a word and noticing where we see this number in the real world, for example we have 2 ears or a tricycle has 3 wheels. We also focused on making and representing numbers with unifix. 

We have continued learning about shapes and learnt about their features, including how many sides each shape has. 

Preview of learning: Next fortnight we will continue to focus on the numbers 1-10 and continue to compare and order numbers. 



Over the past fortnight students have begun looking at how to be their very own best friend and learning how to be kind to themselves and others. Students brainstormed certain activities they could do to look after themselves such as, walking and mindfulness. Students also experimented with colours and emotions with a focus on identifying that at times we may experience many emotions at once and how to cope with big feelings. 


Preview of learning: Students will continue exploring emotions, focusing on building sustainable friendships and strengthening existing ones. We will also discuss help-seeking strategies, how to approach a trusted adult for support, and ways to foster a positive and supportive environment for peers.


Curious Corner

Students have enjoyed exploring the Curious Corner, where they have been practicing turn-taking, engaging in imaginative role play, and developing their social skills. Through activities like craft, construction, and fine motor exercises, they have been enhancing their creativity and teamwork while strengthening important developmental skills.


Our Prep students have been absolutely thrilled to meet with their buddies! They’ve had a blast engaging in fun activities, sharing stories, and having some wonderful chats. It has been wonderful to see these friendships grow!

 Student Awards 

PA - Elias P and Amelia


PB - Sam D and Thomas 


PC - Levi and Stefan


PS - Harley and Mason


Meet the Teacher

Miss B at Mt Hotham
Miss B and Louis
Miss B at Mt Hotham
Miss B and Louis


Mathematics Hub

This guide describes what children learn in maths at school in Prep. They will give you some ideas for games and activities you can play at home to help your child learn.