Middle School News

Upper Primary (Years 5-6)
Upper Primary students have been continuing to focus on their letter sound knowledge. Roka has been supporting classes and individual students in building their phonological awareness. Students have been exploring number and measurement through different hands-on fun activities including games. Classes are preparing for our upcoming excursion, a bus tour of different local and city landmarks.
Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
This week we went on our first excursion; a community walk to the Milk bar and to Stradbroke Drive Reserve where the children played in the park and ate a snack. The children were all extremely safe, they followed instructions, stayed together in a line and listened well. Here are some photos of our community walk where we were joined by
In literacy this week we have been continuing to read ‘are we there yet?’ and have been focusing on the descriptive language that is used in the book. We looked at some descriptive quotes from the book and drew pictures for the image they created in our head. We then wrote some descriptions of our own.
Students of the Week