P&F  Association and 

School Advisory Council



2024/25 Committee Members

President - Jane Graham

Vice President - Joanne Ward

Secretary  - Claire Hammond

Treasurer - Bernadette Garratt

BBQ & Catering  - Maree Rogers

Disco - Christine Fittler


P&F AGM Meeting

Our next P&F Meeting will be Wednesday 12th March at 5.30pm in the school staffroom. This meeting will be the AGM and we are calling for nominations for the following positions:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • BBQ & Catering
  • Discos

Please see attached the definitions of the first 4 P&F Roles along with the P&F Constitution.


P&F Fundraiser - Hosting Morning Tea for the Armidale Classic Car Club 

Our P&F will be hosting a Morning Tea for the Armidale Classic Car Club at the Uralla Showground on Saturday 3rd May raising funds for our school.We are seeking assistance from families to help with the following:

  • Cooking sweet and savoury items for food boxes in advance.
  • Assistance assembling and filling the food boxes early on the morning of the event (Saturday, 3rd May)
  • Serving tea, coffee and our food boxes later that morning (Saturday, 3rd May).

Please RSVP by completing the google form (link below) by Wednesday 30th April 2025 to share your availability of help.





P&F Fundraiser

The P&F are organising a Fundraiser and it's PERFECTLY timed for Mother's Day. 

  • Brighten your garden with gorgeous flowers and help raise funds for our school
  • Be super organised for Mother's Day
  • Orders are delivered directly to you

Orders can be made online until, Friday, 4th April 2025 by clicking HERE.

Please share this with your friends and family.



2024 SAC Committee Members:

President - Amanda Worthington

Secretary  - Frances Miller

Committee members:

Father Damien

Joseph Brown

Cairistain Wall

Natalie Mellowship

Louise Reinke

Belinda Burton