From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Week 6 Term 1

A new Bishop is announced for Armidale

The Diocese of Armidale is entering an exciting new chapter with the appointment of its new Bishop. On Thursday, Pope Francis announced that Reverend Dr. Peter Murphy will be the next Bishop of Armidale.


Bishop-elect Murphy is currently serving as the Parish Administrator of St Michael’s Cathedral in Wagga Wagga and as the Vicar General of the Diocese of Wagga Wagga. With a strong background in pastoral leadership and a deep commitment to the mission of the Church, he brings a wealth of experience and faith to his new role.


This appointment marks a significant moment for the Diocese, and we look forward to welcoming Bishop-elect Murphy as he begins his journey in Armidale. Let us keep him in our prayers as he prepares to take on this important ministry, leading our faith community with wisdom, compassion, and dedication.

Week 6 is the beginning of Lent

Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. It's a time of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter.

Shrove Tuesday

A very big thank you to Mrs Kratz & Mrs Symons for organising the Pancakes for Tuesday. The money raised will go to Caritas.

Ash Wednesday 

Thank you Fr Damien for Mass on Wednesday.  It was lovely to have both of our Catholic Schools together to begin Lent.

Throughout Lent, we are encouraged to:

  • Pray more deeply, strengthening our relationship with God.
  • Fast or give up something, as a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice.
  • Give to others, whether through acts of kindness, charity, or service.

Diocesan Swimming Carnival

Congratulations, and well done to all the students who participated in the Diocesan Swimming Carnival last Friday.  Thank you to the wonderful parents who took their children to Gunnedah for one, two or three events. Big congratulations to Harriet Williams and Shana El Samrout who qualified for the Polding Swimming Carnival at the Sydney Aquatic Centre in Homebush on Wednesday, 2 April 2025.  We wish you every success.

Diocesan Winter Sports Carnival

Diocesan Winter trials have been postponed due to the weather.

New date is Friday, 28 March at Sport UNE, Armidale. Sports are trials for Netball, Soccer, Rugby League and Netball. Good luck to all of the St Mary's Students participating in the trials. 

Mini Vinnies Committee Members 2025

Congratulations to the 2025 Committee.

Prayer Leader - Saskia Murat

President - Abigail Schumacher

Vice President - Faith Fittler

Secretary - Jade Kenny

Treasure - Sophia Garratt

Clean Up Australia Day at St Mary's

A HUGE Thank You - You're all Clean Up legends!! Let's try and keep our school this clean all the time.

The Armidale Show

Each class has entered a poster in the Show this weekend. If you go to the Show make sure you visit the pavilion.

CONGRATULATIONS - Year 6 - 1st, Year 5 - 2nd Year 4 - 3rd! Giving St Mary's overall Champion School Exhibit.

Celebrating International Women’s Day

This Saturday, March 8th, we celebrate International Women’s Day, a global day dedicated to honouring the achievements of women and advocating for gender equality. It is an opportunity to recognise the contributions of women in all areas of life—at home, in our communities, and across the world.


The theme for this year highlights the importance of inclusion and empowerment, encouraging everyone to support and uplift the women and girls in their lives. 


This Saturday take time to appreciate the incredible women who inspire us daily—our mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, teachers, friends, and leaders. Together, we can help build a more inclusive and supportive world for future generations.

CONFIRMATION -2025 Sacramental Program 

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Greetings of peace from the parish.

The Sacramental Programme for the Sacrament of Confirmation is now being prepared. If your child/children are around 12 years old and/or older or in Year6 at school, this is the right time to have the grace of Baptism confirmed and be Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, in order to live actively as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church.


The Programme for the Sacramental Preparation. Please note the dates for


Enrolment: Wednesday 19 March at 6:00 pm in the Cathedral.


Parents gather for information on the Confirmation programme, and to enrol their child/children as candidate/s. It is a requirement for you to provide us acopy of the Candidate’s Baptismal Certificate. If your child is a student at St Mary’s Parish School or was baptised in the Catholic Parish of Armidale, the baptism record is accessible to the parish and you do not need to provide a copy. However, if your child is at a school other than St Mary’s and was not baptised in the Catholic Parish of Armidale, you are required to submit a copy with your child’s enrolment. Enrolment is not effective until the Baptism Certificate has been lodged. The cost of materials is $10 (Certificate, medal, work booklet etc) can be paid during enrolment or at the Parish Office.


The programme is centred around a 45-minute lesson at 9:00 am on Sunday. Every candidate is expected to attend the 8:00 am or 10:00 am Mass either before or following the lesson in the Cathedral. The essence of the programme is to spend formation time in the Cathedral, attend Sunday Mass and be part of the Community of Believers, to meet with Catholics who love and practice their faith.


The lesson dates are Sundays 30 March, 6th April, 4, 11, 18 & 25th May and the final lesson, including a rehearsal, will be 1 June. It is expected that candidates will attend Sunday Mass with their families during the programme.



The Church requires Sponsors of Candidates for Confirmation to be over 16years of age, to be fully initiated into the Church (baptism, confirmation, holy communion) who pray and practise their faith (a parent cannot be a sponsor of their child). Sponsors should be chosen carefully. It is presumed that Candidates have been baptised, made their First Holy Communion, and have been to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


The Sacrament of Confirmation will be received by the candidates on Pentecost Sunday, 8 June at the 10am Mass. This is a wonderful time in the life of your child whom you brought to the Church for Baptism. We are looking forward to a meaningful and prayerful programme for the candidates and for you as parents/guardians as well.  May God bless all our endeavours.


Yours in Christ, through Mary, our Blessed Mother,

Fr Damien Locke

Parish Administrator


We have been asked to assist by talking to our children about the 000 Emergency Line.

'I am Safe & I am Cared For' two of our very important rules for safe living that we teach at school . The 000 Emergency Line is an important resource for our Safety and being Cared For, however a school student is making daily calls and ties up the emergency line. Hours of time is being taken away from other callers, who may be in genuine life threatening situations & require immediate assistance. The calls are from a simless device thus no phone number. We would like these calls to stop so lives can be saved in the future. 

Thank you for talking to your children and please keep an eye on the use of devices in your home. 

Change in Afternoon Routine

Can you please advise the school office before 2:30pm if there is any change in your child's afternoon routine so the Office can get the message to the classroom before bell at 3:10pm. 


Please remember all children are to be 'Picked Up' by 3:30pm from Rusden Street entrance.

P & F / AGM Meeting Wednesday 12 Mar

 Agenda Items

2025 Positions AGM

Welcome BBQ Follow up

Armidale Car Club Morning Tea Fundraiser

Fundraising & Social Ideas for 2025: NERAM Art Evening, Movie, Term 2 Disco

Fete 2025

TERM 1 Parent Teacher Meet & Greet Kindergarten - Week 7

Next week the Kindergarten teachers will meet with Parents to discuss their child's Best Start assessment and how they have started Kindergarten. Thank you families for your ongoing support as we work together to provide quality educational opportunities for all children.

NAPLAN 2025 - Year 3 & Year 5

Next Wednesday will see the start of NAPLAN, the students will sit the Writing test.




Wednesday 12th March


Thursday 13th March


Friday 14th March

Year 3 and 5 Writing


NAPLANYear 3 and 5 Reading
Monday 17th MarchTuesday 18th MarchWednesday 19th March  

Year 3 and 5

Language Conventions 


Year 3 & 5


NAPLAN testing will take place in Weeks 7, 8, and  9 (Wednesday 12th March- 24th March) of this term. Students in Years 3 and 5 will sit tests for Writing, 12th March, Reading & Language Conventions, 13th March and Numeracy, 18th March. Please refrain from making appointments during school time on these test days. It is important that your child is available on the day unless they are unwell. In the case of illness students will be able to sit the test on Thursday, 20th March until Monday, 24th March.


Further information for parents and carers can be found here:


I encourage all parents of students in Years 3 and 5 to explore the Public Demonstration Site with your child you will find sample questions for each of the areas assessed.


Click below to see a short video showing how to navigate the Public Demonstration Site.