Whole School News

RPS Athletics Carnival


Only ONE more sleep until our school’s House Athletics Carnival! 


Our students are very excited!


Important Details:

- Arrival Time: Students must arrive at school by 8:45am and go straight to their classrooms. 

- Departure: Buses will leave at 9:10 AM sharp!


Lunch Information:

- There will be no lunch orders, so please ensure your child brings a packed lunch and snacks for the day. Please note that there will be no canteen facilities available at the event.


Weather Preparedness:

- With the hot weather, it's essential to bring plenty of sunscreen, hats, and drink bottles to stay hydrated and protected throughout the day.


Parents Welcome:

- Parents are welcome to attend! I have attached the program for the day for your reference.


A big thank you to all our parent helpers! We could not run a large event like this without your wonderful support. Please remember to meet me at Willinda Park at 9:15 AM.


Don’t forget to wear your house colours loud and proud!


Go Rosanna! 



District Swimming

Congratulations to our small but determined swimming team who participated in Monday's Heidelberg District Swimming Carnival. All competitors tried their best, and we are proud to report impressive results in their heats.


A special shout out goes to Livinia, who achieved an outstanding 1st place in the 10-year-old butterfly event! This stroke is known to be quite challenging for young competitors, but Livinia swam remarkably well.


We wish Livinia all the best as she prepares to compete at the divisional level next Thursday.


Go, Livinia!


Well done to all our swimmers for their hard work and dedication!



RPS Active Travel To School 

Rosanna Primary School is excited to be partnering with Banyule City Council to participate in a month of active travel to School.


The 4-week active travel to school period will begin on Tuesday 11th March and will finish on the last day of term, Friday 4th April.


On Tuesday 18th March, there will be an organized Walk to School Day where students will be invited to meet a teacher and peers at a designated location. More information to come, keep your eye on compass!


What is ‘Active to School’ Banyule?

The ‘Active to School’ in Banyule program encourages and supports schools, students, parents and families to find healthy active ways to travel to and from school. 


Whether it is the entire route or just part-way, every bit of active travel helps to improve our environment and our health.


Your child/ren’s school is participating in the ‘Active to School program over the coming month. They will be tracking different modes of transport, routes and frequency and being encouraged in their classroom to active travel more often during this period.


Why Walk, Cycle or Scoot to School?

Being active every day is great for kids. Why? It helps:

  • Physical health
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Mood and self-esteem
  • Confidence and life skills
  • Connection with family, friends and neighbours
  • Connection with the natural environment


Moving commutes from the roads to the footpath also helps:

  • Make school streets safer
  • Reduce traffic congestion
  • Contribute to a healthier environment


Families Living Beyond Walking Distance, we’ve got you covered too:

  • Part way is OK! Remember if the walk to school is too far, you can park a few blocks from the school and walk the rest of the way.
  • Take it in turns with other parents to walk/ride/scoot to school with the kids, but ensure you maintain physical distancing with walking buddies outside your household.


Links to share with your school community 

10 Reasons to Walk 


Kid friendly walks: 


Victoria’s best walking spots: 


Pedestrian safety:


Bicycle, scooter & skateboard safety:

https://raisingchildren.net.au/school-age/safety/outdoor-safety/bikes-scooters- skateboards



Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)


Students Of The Week

Congratulations to our fantastic leaders of learning last week!


Term 1 - Week 5


Prep S - Molly N and Emirson DG

Prep D - Thea T and Leo HK

Prep T - Rafael M and Emma R

1S - Seth B

1W - Eddie H

2K - Aidan G

2J - Nyah J

2P - Jemima Y

3/4Y - Illwad A

3/4R - Habon M

3/4V - Jasmine D

5/6A - Kiarnah D

5/6D - Abdi A

5/6T - Henry LH