A note from Mr Jackson

Welcoming 2026 Preps 

This week we hosted our first tour of 2025.  It was a chance to share the Rosanna Primary School story and it was great to be accompanied by one of our school captains who was both articulate and insightful in conversation, a super representative of our school. Our 2026 Prep tours are an opportunity for parents to get to know us a little more as they look towards enrolling in 2026.  


A range of activities have been planned to support parents and children with their choices concerning enrolment for 2026.  Two Saturday 'Prep Information Mornings' have been scheduled on Saturday 29 March and Saturday 24 May. These mornings will be a chance to meet our prep teachers and visit the prep space as well as enjoy a light brunch. There are numerous 'Come and Play' sessions that provide a gentle and relaxed opportunity for children to play and for adults to talk, raising any questions they might have.


If you have a neighbour or know locals with a school aged child, please don’t hesitate to pick up a flyer to share. 


Welcome Back’ Picnic Brings School Community Together

Friday 7 March 

It was a joy to see so many familiar and new faces at the FORPS picnic on Friday night. All who attended would agree that the evening was a wonderful opportunity to relax after the initial five weeks of Term 1. Children ran wildly, painted with passion and played energetically as parents relaxed on rugs. All enjoyed the sausages and were thankful for the organisation of FORPS that arranged such a wonderful evening. 


Working Bee Thanks

Saturday 1 March 

Thanks to those who followed up a super evening of picnicking on the oval and attended the Working Bee on Saturday. 30m3 of softfall was redistributed under the playgrounds, ensuring the safety of students. Their effort saved the school an estimated $3,000 to have the softfall directly pumped into the playground. Thanks for the super effort that has made a real impact. 


Swimmers Excel at District Event 

Tuesday 4 March 

A number of Rosanna Primary swimmers headed into the pool to compete at the District Swimming Carnival on Tuesday. Every participant who had a go should be celebrated. For those who achieved a ribbon, we look forward to sending up a cheer at the next assembly. A special thanks to parents for supporting their children to participate. 


Extending Learners to be Their Best 

There are a range of programmes and activities throughout the school that are designed to encourage and support student learning beyond classrooms. 


The Victorian High Achievers Programme is delivered weekly for a small number of students in the 5/6 classes. The department identifies a group of students who have demonstrated strong learning in teacher assessments. These students engage in weekly online lessons in English or Mathematics over a term. In Term 1, two students at Rosanna Primary School have been selected for this extension programme. 


The Tutor Learning initiative in Term 1 has focused on supporting students in the 1/2 Learning Area as well as the 3/4 Learning Area. Educational Support Staff have been working with students to ensure that their foundational literacy skills are reinforced. At times, you will see them shoulder to shoulder with students in the classroom, while at other times they will be huddled around focussed on learning tasks, in corridors or corners. 


Athletics Carnival Steps up Energy Levels Friday 7 March 

There is a great deal of limbering up and excited energy with the first Athletics Carnival for a very long time at Rosanna Primary School. Students in Years 3 to 6 are invited to wear their house colours and bring their strongest voice to encourage and support the action happening at Wallinda Athletics Track. Please ensure that you do not miss the bus that leaves directly after the 9:00am bell. Students will initially head to their classrooms for the marking of the roll and then begin the journey. Students are encouraged to bring along their own labelled drink bottle and sunscreen as well as their wide brimmed hat. 


A special thanks to Ms Zealley for pulling the experience together, as well as to an energetic group of volunteers who will help with the event on the day. 


Active Travel to School Month 

from Tuesday 11 March  

From Tuesday 11 March, teachers will be encouraging students and staff to find active ways to arrive at school. This might be walking, riding or even more radical modes like skipping! For those that live too far away for a morning or afternoon walk, we encourage you to park two or three blocks away and walk the rest of the way. 


Our Sustainability Agents will be collecting data daily to track our modes of coming to school. Pencil in 18 March as a community ‘Walk to School’ Day when teachers will be walking with children and parents prior to school. More information to come! There is lots more information in the newsletter.  


NAPLAN Begins for Year 3 and Year 5 

from Wednesday 12 March 

NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through their regular school curriculum. Students sit assessments in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The questions assess content linked to the Australian Curriculum: English and Mathematics. 


There will be some disruption from Wednesday of next week as we hold these national assessments. Schools are provided with a two-week window for students to complete the assessments. Year 3 and Year 5 students will start with the writing assessments on Wednesday of next week. Students who are absent on the day will be provided with opportunities to complete the assessment missed. 


While we prepare students at school for these assessments, there are no specific expectations for parents to prepare at home. Despite this, we acknowledge that some students may experience some levels of anxiousness. We encourage parents to minimise outside activities and ensure students are sleeping well. There will be further information sent out via compass directly to families. Please follow the hyperlink to find out more about the NAPLAN Assessments. 


NAPLAN Parent Information 


Clean Up Australia at Rosanna Primary Wednesday 5 March 

Students were out and about yesterday ‘doing the emu’ as they bent down and picked up rubbish. Their effort contributed to a national initiative that seeks to eliminate rubbish and litter in our community. Thanks again to our Sustainability team for reminding us that our actions have impacts! 


Positive Behaviour Puzzle Completed! 

Woohoo! Students have completed the Values puzzle in the foyer for the first time. That means ... 

  • Students have filled 345 value cards in the first five weeks of school 

  • Each card has 10 stamps marking a moment a child has acted in ways that reflect Respect, Inclusion, Collaboration or Kindness 

  • That is a total of 3,450 values-based actions that have been celebrated by classroom teachers and specialists 

We look forward to celebrating this achievement in areas over the coming week. 


Public Holiday 

Monday 10 March 

I hope that this weekend is an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate as we pass the halfway mark in the term. A reminder that Monday is a public holiday and we look forward to regathering on Tuesday 11 March at 9:00am. 


Prep First Wednesday Back 

Wednesday 12 March 

Our preps will be back on Wednesday from next week. Although the week is shortened with the public holiday, I am sure they will continue to settle into full time attendance as they have started the year. 


Harmony Day Coming Up 

Friday 21 March

Staff discussed at a recent staff meeting the importance to celebrate diversity within our community. We look toward Harmony Day as an opportunity to affirm that we have an opportunity to learn from our cultural differences. We are keen that the day be a space to ensure students stand against bullying and call out racism. We encourage students throughout the school to wear orange in line with the Harmony Day colours. Students will share a little of their reflections on the day during the afternoon assembly.