Faith Education

Sacrament of Confirmation
Next week, on Tuesday 29th October at 7pm, some of our Year 6 students will be making their Sacrament of Confirmation at St Ignatius Church. We extend a warm invitation to our community for this evening. It would be wonderful to see many of our families supporting our students and their families.
Let us pray for our Year 6 children as they prepare for this sacrament....
Christian, Johnny, Samantha, Gracelyn, Goran, Destinho, Vincent, Lilly, Henryk, Anthony, Jax, Charlotte and Patrick.
Confirmation Family Night
This evening, the Confirmation Candidates and their families will participate in a Family Night at school. This will include some learning together about the Sacrament of Confirmation as well as a family dinner together. Thank you to Licia Marchese from the Parish and our Year 5/6 teachers Bridget and Frank for your support and involvement on the night. We look forward to this evening with the Confirmation candidates, their sponsors and families.
Grandparents and Special Friends Mass
Yesterday we had a beautiful morning with our Grandparents at Trinity. Fr Trung SJ celebrated Mass for these every special people in our lives.
Faith Formation Night- 'When the Saints Go Marching In'
On Tuesday evening, Nigel and myself attended a Faith Formation evening at the Catholic Leadership Centre led by our very own Dr Nigel Zimmermann MACS Director Catholic Mission and Identity. The evening centred around reflections on All Saints Day. We had the opportuntiy to listen to two inspirational speakers: Fiona Power, Curator and educator, Mary Glowrey Museum, and Damian Howard, Foundation Principal, Carlo Acutis Primary School who shared with us their connection to the communion of saints, and what it means for Catholic education and the full flourishing of our students. This formation experience will be shared with our school staff so that they too have a deeper understanding of the saints and are able to lead students in their faith formation.
Parish Bulletin
In Ru's absence,
Annabelle Marinelli
Deputy Principal