Principal's News

Prayer for Our Children
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of life.
Thank You, especially for our children who You have entrusted to us.
Truly, they are a treasure from You, Lord.
They make life so much more fulfilling.
We will be forever grateful to You for giving them to us.
Dear Families,
Tomorrow, Friday 24th October, we acknowledge 'Day for Daniel', Australia’s largest child safety education and awareness day. We encourage all children to wear a touch of red which is the symbol for this important day. Child safety is everyone's responsibility and an important focus for all of us in our school community.
Parents, carers, and educators are encouraged to start a conversation with children and young people about personal safety. Schools and early learning centres conduct child safety education activities. Businesses and community come together to raise awareness of child safety issues.
Australia celebrates World Teachers' Day It’s Hats Off to Teachers on Friday 25 October!
Let’s celebrate our teachers and thank them for all the work they do to educate, inspire and empower learners across Australia.
On behalf of all members of our school community I would like to acknowledge and thank our teachers for the great work and dedication they show each day. At Trinity I see all members of staff as teachers whether in the classroom, as a specialist, an LSO or in the office looking after all of us throughout the week.
Grandparents Day: Wednesday 23rd October
What a wonderful celebration of our Grandparents and Special People on Wednesday. Thanks to all those who were able to join us. The smiles on children's faces said it all and shows what an important part of our lives these people are. Ms Marinelli has included some wonderful photos from the day on her Learning Page. Thanks to all our staff for organising and enabling this day to happen.
SAC - School Advisory Council
Thank you to all the members of the School Advisory Council (School Board) who met this week to look at a number of important issues and to share feedback from parents which can help us to further improve our school's policies and procedures. We discussed a number of Parent & Friends initiatives including initial talks about a School Fete for next year and what this might look like.
Another important function of the SAC is to review the school's Fee Schedule for next year and to approve any changes which need to be made. As a low fee paying school it is always our intention to maintain a fee structure which is affordable to our families. We are aware that at times some families may experience some difficulties with fees and I always encourage you to come and see me to discuss. Early next year we will communicate with families about the availability of concessional fees which are approved by MACS to families who qualify. There will, as usual be a slight increase in fees for next year with the addition of a capital levy to assist in reducing the loans taken in order to complete a number of maintenance issues including the correction of foundations at the front of the school.
Parents & Friends
As I am sure you are all aware, the school's P&F is a very important group which assists in both organizing school community activities as well as fund raising initiatives throughout the year. I have been extremely lucky in the time I have been at Trinity to have had great people to work with but of course there comes a time when we are encouraging other members of the parent community to volunteer their services to ensure we can continue to have a strong and effective P&F group. I thank Michael Cossari for his willingness to take on the role of P&F President after the amazing work of Jenny Gill. Over the next few weeks and next year we will be looking for some new members to be part of our P&F going forward.
Confirmation Family Evening & Sacrament
Tonight our Year 6 Confirmation Candidates and their families will participate in the final part of their preparation for the sacrament with a Family Faith evening and dinner to celebrate the work they have done in preparing for Confirmation. Special thanks to Ms Marinelli who has helped out in Mr Ru's absence and of course our Year 6 teachers, Mr Anania and Ms O'Connor in preparing the children.
A reminder that you are all welcome to join us next Tuesday at 7pm for our Confirmation Mass at St Ignatius Church.
There must be something in the water at Trinty as we seem to be producing some amazing soccer stars. Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding efforts for their local soccer clubs.
Esrom & Nahair Fitzroy Lions Soccer Club Esrom 2024 Champions U8 Nahair 2024 Champions U10 and Best & Fairest | Destinho Playing for Greenvale United Under/13s Finished Champions for the year and I am sure Destinho was a main contributor to the team's success. |
Price is $5 including pizza.
AUSKICK - Opportunity for Term 4
On Thursday we had a visit from several AFLW Players promoting the AFL Auskick after school program we are hoping to run this term. (See photos below)
There are still lots of places available so the more the merrier.
To ensure everyone has a great experience, we divide the kids by age and offer optional all-girls groups. Sessions are just one hour per week, and kids can wear whatever they’re comfortable in - no need for expensive gear. It’s all about helping kids get comfortable on the footy field while having fun and learning! For more information, see flyer below or registration page via this link:
For any queries, please reach out to Jamie from AFL Victoria:
Click on the QR Code to register or contact the office for more information
Brazilian Jiu Jistu Classes
Aly, one of our parents has opened a new Brazilian Jiu Jistu Academy and would love to welcome new families to check it out.
Classroom Cuisine - Online Lunch Orders
Classroom Cuisine LOGIN HERE. Register to begin ordering.
Download Menu and Pricing
There are many important events throughout the term so please keep an eye on the school calendar.
Secondary Schools - St Mary's College- BOOK A TOUR HERE
Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School
We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Ms Kate Foley an email.
- Dance Factory - Dance Classes
- EXTEND - Out of Hours School Care
- FC Melbourne X Strike Soccer Local soccer club in Richmond
Get in contact to learn more! Join our exciting club teams in 2024
text or call 0405 765 943 - First Year Registration is FREE
Nigel Rodrigues