APF Western Australia Branch Meeting

Our Federal President Chris Chant and I travelled to Perth last week for the WA Branch Annual General Meeting and Seminar. The WA Branch, trading as the Principals Federation of Western Australia (PFWA) has seen significant membership growth over the last few years and we always value the opportunity to engage and interact with our WA colleagues, discuss topical items and share challenges and initiatives. Minister for Education in WA, Dr Tony Buti was in attendance to not only commend the work of the WA branch, but to express high respect and regard for school leaders.
The Monash University team led by Dr Jane Wilkinson presented on their research work into Invisible Labour: Principals’ Emotional Labour in Volatile Times whilst keynote presenter Andrew Horabin from Bullshift facilitated a most engaging session on developing a school culture that is based on openness, honesty and straight talk.
A highlight of this meeting was the opportunity to celebrate and thank Bevan Ripp, outgoing President of the PFWA. Bevan has served with dedication, advocating tirelessly for school leaders in Western Australia and nationally, making a lasting impact on our profession. His commitment to collaboration and his championing of educational excellence and equity are deeply appreciated. We are grateful for his vision and service and wish him all the best as he enters retirement.
Bevan Ripp – President PFWA (APF WA Branch)