Amazing 5/6

Term 4 Week 6


What have we been up to?

Half way through the term already and we are rushing towards the big events at the end of year. Over the next couple of weeks, students will be receiving and completing a number of assessment pieces in Literacy and Maths. It has been really pleasing to see the effort everyone is putting into their work and taking the opportunity to show off what they have learnt and how they have grown.

We would like to politely remind all of our students about the expectations around behaviour and language while at school. There have been numerous breaches of school policy during recess and lunch, with the repercussions of this behaviour then being brought back into the classroom and disrupting learning sessions. As we head into the end of the year, when the students are all a bit more anxious and on edge, we ask that you talk with your child about being the best version of themselves and finishing the year on a high. Unfortunately, if these standards are not meant, there will be ramifications for those students and, if necessary, the cohort as a whole, including their removal from end-of-year celebrations or the cancelling of events.

With that said, we do have a number of exciting events coming up over the next few weeks, particularly for our Year 6’s heading into their graduation. It remains important to keep on top of Compass posts and checking in with your child for messages. Some of these events include the Bike Ed ‘Big Ride Out’ to Black Rock, the Big Day Out for the Year 6’s, the School Picnic, Year 5 Leadership Presentations and the Year 6’s Graduation ceremony. Please keep an eye out for notices and information.


Student Report:

My name is Luca, and I am a leader in soccer, and I’m Lara, and I’m a leader in sport. 

We started Bike Ed two weeks ago, and have it on Friday mornings every week. We have been learning how to look behind you, how to do an emergency stop and how to use your gears. We like that we get to do a ride after the lessons, and we enjoy learning how to ride a bike properly.

In Literacy, we have been looking at a book called “Let’s Save Antarctica” because we are starting to write persuasive texts. Antarctica should be saved because the ice sheets are melting and if that happens, we will have floods all over the world. Additionally, the penguins in Antarctica and other wildlife will lose their habitat if we do not protect Antarctica. 

In Maths, we are learning about chance. We have played games using dice, and played rock, paper, scissors to see the likelihood of who would win. 

Last week, Mrs Bradley put on the Art Show where a lot of amazing artworks that had been created by students were on display. We liked that there was a path to follow through the exhibition, and how beautiful and detailed the setup was. 

Thank you for reading, and have a nice weekend. 


Lara and Luca, 56B

Teacher Contact Information

If there are any queries please feel free to contact one of us:

Nick Duckett

Maddie Simos

Gemma Baker & Sam Boontjes







Testing has begun!