Faith and Mission

At our John XXIII College, we encourage students to develop competence, conscience, and compassion through service. Our Christian Service-Learning program fosters faith in action, engaging students with the community to live out our motto of 'Seek Justice.'


Roncalli Service is more than giving—it is about encountering others, recognising their dignity, and allowing God to work through these experiences. Inspired by Pedro Arrupe’s call to be 'men and women for others,' we embrace service as a way to encounter Christ in all things.


Roncalli Service at John XXIII College is not simply an expectation but an opportunity to strive for the ‘magis’—seeking ‘the more’ in personal growth and service to others and our environment. Through these experiences, students may deepen their faith and commitment to making a difference in our community.


As part of this commitment, our Year 9 students have continued their visits to Montgomery House, building connections with the residents through meaningful engagement. This year, we are excited to extend their service to include working with our primary school students in sports programs and fostering relationships across different age groups within our College community.


As students participate in the Roncalli Service program, they will need to complete their Action Plans and Safety Documents in the coming weeks. Parents are required to review and sign these documents to ensure student participation in service activities.


We look forward to seeing our students continue their journey of faith and service, growing in their awareness of God’s presence in all things and making a difference in their communities.


Janeen Murphy

Deputy Principal Faith and Mission






Student Extraordinary Ministersof Holy Communion


It is a blessing for the College that, each year, a group of Year 12 students volunteers as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This means that they assist the priest to distribute Communion during Mass, especially when there is a large congregation. As required by the Archdiocese, the students undertake a six-hour training module, which is run at the College in January, in the final week of the holidays. The criteria for selection are commitment to their faith and attendance at mass, qualities of leadership and respectfulness and recognition ‘in the school community as someone who accepts all students’. The 2025 Student Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are:

  • Logan Blake
  • Jackson Bosnich
  • Luke Green
  • Zoe McIlree

They were commissioned in a special rite at our whole College Mass on Tuesday 18 February.  We look forward to seeing these students exercising their ministry during the many celebrations of the Eucharist in the College this year. 


To conclude their training in January, the students celebrated a short Liturgy of the Word, that included this prayer they composed together: 



We ask that you give us the strength 

to carry out our duties as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 

and to be a minister for you.


Help us to always recognise your presence in the Eucharist – 

in your Word, your priest, your faithful people who gather 

and especially your body and blood given to us in the consecrated bread and wine.


Allow us in our role as Extraordinary Ministers

to share your light in the world, as you taught us: 

‘In the same way your light must shine in people’s sight 

so that, seeing your good works, 

they may give praise to your father in heaven.’ (Matt. 5:16)


We ask this in your name, and through the intercession of our founders:

Pope John XXIII – Pray for us

Mary Ward – Pray for us

Ignatius of Loyola – Pray for us




We are proud of our new student ministers, and pray that they will always know and be inspired by the friendship of Jesus in their lives. 


Community Mass

Next Friday, 28 February, our Community Eucharist, will be prepared by students in Koolyangarra House.  Koolyangarra families are especially welcome!


However, not just Koolyangarra House, but all are invited to every Friday liturgy. A warm welcome is extended to new families. If you are new to the College or to our Friday Mass, just come to the Chapel in time for an 8:00am start. The bell rings at 7:50am as a reminder! There is no reserved seating. The celebration is always joyful, with singing led by a student choir and readings proclaimed by student readers. After Mass, there is coffee in the Circle of Friends Café for those who are able to stay.


If you have any questions about Community Mass, please contact Mary-Anne Lumley:


Community Mass Details

  • College Chapel
  • Fridays in term time
  • Starts: 8:00am and concludes 8:30am.

(Exception – NO Community Mass in Week 3)



Do you have a child in Years 3, 5 or 6?

Parishes are now finalising enrolments for their 2025 sacrament programs. It is imperative for children to be enrolled in a parish program, even though they will be prepared for the sacraments in their Religion classes.


Each Parish has their own unique Sacrament program. Information from some local parishes is provided below as well as on the College website



Currently accepting enrolments.




Enrolments close today! Friday 21 February.


Parents often have questions about the Sacrament program, so don’t be afraid to ask: