Grade 5/6

Miss Stephan and Mr Ward, supported by Mr Reid & Mrs Morse


War Horse

In Literacy, the 5/6s are studying the novel - War Horse 


"A powerful tale of war, redemption and a hero's journey. In 1914, Joey, a beautiful bay-red foal with a distinctive cross on his nose, is sold to the army and thrust into the midst of the war on the Western Front. With his officer, he charges toward the enemy, witnessing the horror of the battles in France."


During the reading of War Horse, students are analysing key vocab, creating literature from ideas/figurative language and improving their fluency when reading the complex text. Students have enjoyed reading and listening to the text, being set in 1914, the way people lived and talked is quite different to today's times. 

It has been a new learning process in the classroom, where students have been working heavily on their new devices to complete their set tasks. They have enjoyed this new process which is beneficial to their learning. 



Integrated Studies

Museums in Motion

During this term's topic, students are understanding the past by learning about the events and people that helped to shape our country. They will learn about the concept of perspective through the lens of Australian history. Students are going to learn about the reasons, causes, and effects of establishing the British colonies in Australia. Students are going to develop their research skills as they investigate significant historical events during the time of colonisation and the different experiences of individuals and groups.


Students have begun to research important and significant events. This week, they have chosen an event.

  • The Gold Rush
  • First Steam Railway
  • Eureka Stockade
  • Burke and Wills Expedition
  • The Overland Telegraph
  • Crossing the Blue Mountains
  • First Circumnavigation of Australia