Year 1/2 Learning Community

Growing our brains with Mrs Dallas, Mrs J, and Mrs Jacobs!

Halfway through Term 1 already!

We can't believe how much we've already learnt so far this year - it's been amazing. Please take a look below at our galleries of learning.



In Literacy over the last two weeks, we have been learning about different sentence types. We have learnt there are four main sentence types:

  • Statement sentences (I ate a snail.)
  • Question sentences (Why did you eat a snail?)
  • Command sentences (Stop eating that snail right now.)
  • Exclamation sentence (I ate a crunchy snail!)

We also learnt about the 5W+1H questions words: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? Below, we worked with a partner to come up with a question about the topic of 'messy floor' using one of these words, and took it in turns writing each word of the sentence until we were finished. Then students read their questions out to the class.


In Maths, we have been working on our counting skills and making groups of 10. We played a super fun game of 'Race to 20' where we had to take turns rolling a die, collect that many counters, and see who the first person could be to get to 20 counters. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut...there's a catch! If you roll a 1, that's the BOOM! number, and you need to put all your counters back and start again. Lots of fun and giggles were had, and hopefully some quick counting was practised as well! 🙊

We have also been learning how to count large collections of items by making groups of 10 and then skip-counting by tens and leftovers to figure out our total. We've been trying to make estimates about how many items are in our collection before we count them, and we're getting better at making reasonable estimates of our collections!


Show and Tell

Last week, Jason (Jett and Skylar's dad) brought in a slippery visitor for show and tell. Warning, if you aren't a big fan of 'danger noodles' or 'nope ropes', please stop scrolling now! 🐍

This snake is a juvenile children's python, and we were all very brave and excited to take a look at this very cute little visitor 😊


Integrated Studies

Integrates Studies, we have explored the concept of discovery, and are looking at materials, and how we can change and manipulate them. We experimented with a variety of materials, like cardboard, pipe cleaners, ribbon, pop sticks, string and cellophane and tested whether we could cut, tear, fold, scrunch, bend or twist them. We then used what he had learned about these materials to design a sign for our bedrooms, which we will be making this week!